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More Parker Stuff

David Hardy offers his take:

Vote count: I’d be sure of Scalia and Thomas, fairly sure of Roberts and Alito. That leaves us with four probable votes and five unknowns. The litigator in me says those are pretty good odds… you have to lose all five unknowns to lose. Against that, you have to figure Breyer is probably a lost cause (the second amendment just isn’t Euro enough for his taste) and a friend who is a court watcher said that Souter displays negative body language when firearms come up. Perhaps, I dunno. Still, unless you lose five out of five, you win. With most appeals, you go in without the vaguest idea of the vote count.

HL talks about more Parker targets.

The WaPo leaves its hysteria at the door and does a non-doom and non-gloom bit on Parker.

One Response to “More Parker Stuff”

  1. nk Says:

    Don’t be too sure. Check out the lineup in Small v. United States. Those are not our fathers’ liberals nor our fathers’ conservatives. Especially Thomas who was appointed by the only Southern Senator to vote for the Gun Control Act of 1968.

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