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A college professor was fired for re-enacting the VT shooting and how it would have been different if someone there was armed:

Winset said he gave students a disclaimer before he started his Virginia Tech re-enactment, which involved him pointing a Magic Marker at students and saying, “Pow.” He then had another student shoot him with an imaginary gun to make the point that Cho could have been stopped by another student with a firearm.

Here’s video of him talking about it.

6 Responses to “Fired”

  1. Earl Harding Says:

    You can’t possibly think that logical, concise and well constructed debate is allowed to flourish in our esteemed institutes of higher learning? Or do you?

    Sarcasm aside this is normal, sadly. Can’t let the sheep think too much now can we?

  2. #9 Says:

    What would Orwell do?

    Seems like a punishment for a thought crime. Having watched all four YouTube videos I see no crime or offense committed. Except of course the fact he was fired. That is the only crime here.

    The First Amendment and the Second Amendment are tied to each other. You will often notice that people that wish to diminish one amendment also wish to diminish the other.

  3. Robert Says:

    As a professional photographer, I always find the photos they choose to run with stories to be very revealing of the editorial mindset.

  4. Les Jones Says:

    That was a very uncomplimentary photo, wasn’t it?

  5. Ravenwood Says:

    He taught at a liberal arts college. He shoulda known better.

    A better approach would have been a parody showing how ineffective unarmed students would have been at stopping him.

    He also should have waited until next semester. It’s still too soon.

  6. straightarrow Says:

    Ravenwood, it’s never to soon to think.

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