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I mourn the loss of decency

Mourning Cho’s death. I share Jay’s sentiment. Also, this bit is disturbing. Seems people are concerned for the perpetrator’s of violence to an extent that I cannot comprehend. Sure, each incident is tragic but, of all that, the initiators of violence are not the people I mourn for or sympathize with.

2 Responses to “I mourn the loss of decency”

  1. JQ Says:

    Here’s what annoys me. I know the name of precisely one victim. Liviu Librescu. Doubtless if I used my google-fu I could find more (had to use it to check the spelling actually, it’s slightly unsettling to get his staff webpage from Virginia Tech as third result). His is the only victim’s name I’ve ever really seen mentioned around the web. Because he protected his students, I’ve no problem with his name being mentioned more than some of the others.

    But way ahead of mentions of him, it’s Cho this, Cho that, what could have been done to help Cho? Cho is beyond any help, and he put himself there. Want to help any potential Cho’s? Let him be forgotten and rot in obscurity, so they don’t get the idea that this is a way to be remembered.

    Thirty-two killed. And people mourn for the bastard who killed them. I … I just don’t get it.

  2. #9 Says:

    KOS is crap. Moveon is crap.

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