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home invasion spree stopped

So, you’re a couple of criminals, who are also illegal immigrants (but I repeat myself). You decide that a home occupied by only an 11 year-old girl would be an easy target. Kids are easy to take from. Well, unless that 11 year-old girl was Patricia Harrington, who had been a clay shooting champion since she was nine. Unfortunately, these two had killed someone earlier.

Update: Word is, in comments, the story is fake and a number of years old.

Update 2: Snopes says undetermined.

3 Responses to “home invasion spree stopped”

  1. Dr. Strangegun Says:

    It’s fake. From what I remember of the debunking, Patricia Harrington is an author, the two names for the perps are for a serial killer and a singer, and… well, what news agency gives out the name of a minor involved in a crime anyhow?

  2. john Says:

    Snopes says “undetermined”

  3. nk Says:

    Check your link.

    Snopes is a …. If he says undetermined it’s true but he just doesn’t want to admit it. And anyway, so whadda. The gunfight at the OK Corral is the only documented instance of Doc Holliday killing anyone. Let Patricia Harrington go into mythology.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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