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NICS improvement fact sheet

Over at Carolyn McCarthy’s:

If enacted, HR 297 will:

* Enforce the provisions of the 1968 Gun Control Act, which has been law for nearly 40 years.
* Improve the accuracy and speed of the NICS system.
* Fund states and their courts up to $375 million each year for three years to import the records of those barred from purchasing a firearm under the 1968 Gun Control Act into the federal NICS system.
* Protect the privacy of all records, including mental health, by prohibiting their use for any purpose outside of NICS.

The legislation WILL NOT:

* Expand the background check system.
* Prohibit individuals receiving treatment for, but not limited to, PTSD, depression or anxiety from purchasing firearms.
* Infringe on the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.

I probably won’t be taking her word for it since she doesn’t know what a handguard err barrel shroud is.

3 Responses to “NICS improvement fact sheet”

  1. Diamondback Says:

    I think I’d worry more about what they’ll try and tack on to this.

  2. Robert Says:

    Nope on this. I’d rather abolish the whole thing. This woman is not to be trusted, even if she is ignorant.

  3. Quack Says:

    As others have said elsewhere, involuntary committment is a legal decision made by a judge. It’s a step beyond a custody hold for observation/evaluation. Thta court decision is on record. There’s no reason to need access to mental health records to enter court decisions into the database. Only reason to get mental health records is for people who petition to get that block removed from their records.

    As others have said, I’d rather they get rid of NICS, but that’ll never happen.

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