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Suspected terrorists

Good to see the NRA addressing that various states think libertarians are terrorists. They mention me *blushes*

7 Responses to “Suspected terrorists”

  1. Nylarthotep Says:


    I’m sure you are now completely listed on all Federal Terrorist Watch lists.

    Well, maybe not, but with more noise like that coming out, I’m starting to think that anonymity may be a bit more healthy, even if a bit less ethical.

    Thanks for the link.

  2. Bonnie Says:

    Those sites make me so mad. They’re citing activities that are carried out by people who love the country and want to see it preserved in the way it was meant to be. What’s wrong with that? Honestly?

    I’ll quote someone I know: Fascists don’t like competition. This is proof, and I hope that people wake up soon.

  3. Thirdpower Says:

    It reminds me of the “Your teen might be a Satanist” lists from the early 80’s that always included D&D. They were stupid then and are stupid now.

  4. #9 Says:

    An oxymoron of all time. People discuss the Constitution so they must be terrorists.

    Discuss the 1st Amendment, you might be a terrorist.

    Discuss the 2nd Amendment, you might be a terrorist.

    Maybe we should be discussing replacing the law enforcement officials that cannot distinguish between people who love their country and people who want to harm America.

  5. _Jon Says:


    Apparently, they don’t know what a permalink is, however.

  6. MichaelG Says:

    I think the website is worst than I’ve read thus far.
    I took one of their interactive quizes. Check out this question/answer:
    “Many modern anti-government groups formed as a strong reaction to:
    * a. gun control laws
    b. employment practices
    c. the value of the dollar
    d. education standards
    Yep, that’s right. GOA and anti-gun control groups could be considered
    breeding grounds for domestic terrorism. I’m going to go check IL
    state websites. If PA could put something like that up than for all I know
    the Metro-East Libertarians, that meet in an Irish pub that host bands that play Irish nationalistic songs may already be the target of government survailence and infiltration. 😉

  7. staghounds Says:

    Has no one noticed that the Pennsylvania “anti terrorists” illustrate the very same web page with a picture of a


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