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Party pooper

Well, joining is easier than thinking.

3 Responses to “Party pooper”

  1. Rustmeister Says:

    I’ve been referred to as an idiot and a flunker of Govt 101 for being Independant.

  2. Buck Says:

    But if I forget everything Barry says to forget there won’t be any reason to think for myself because there is not anything left to think about.

    Politics are polarizing. That is why they exist. Divide and conquer.

    And I am not sure what he means by “serving our country”. Does that mean pay your taxes and keep your nose clean or does that mean put on a uniform and go kill Arabs? What is the good of the country? What is the good of the people? Rudy G and Ron Paul would answer that question differently.

    It’s complicated but it’s fun. I don’t see any reason to get your blood pressure up about it.

  3. Barry Says:

    When I say “forget” those things, I mean to forget them as means to an end. Forget about using abortion, and the war, and all those other topics as pawns to be moved about an endless chessboard of right vs left. Because that’s what they are to a lot of people – not individual issues worthy of debate and discussion, but puzzle pieces that don’t fit together.

    Polarization doesn’t have to exist, and if we allow it to without resisting, then we’ve taken a step backward.

    By “serving our country” I just meant doing those things that are positive for ourselves, our communities, states and country. Not necessarily serving in the armed forces, although that’s certainly a part of it.

    Rudy G and Ron Paul, if they’re intelligent human beings and Americans, should be able to answer the question the same – the good of the country is helping to improve the lives of those who live within our borders. It shouldn’t be much more complex than that. When they begin to make it complex, then politics creeps in.

    And if you really see this is “fun” then you’ve completely missed the point.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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