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A classy broad

In my parent’s generation to be called a “classy broad” would be a compliment. It brings to mind Katherine Hepburn and Lauren Bacall.

Since this is politically incorrect week here at SayUncle, perhaps every week is, it is fitting to pay tribute to a classy broad who made me happy this week.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck is one classy broad. For a second there I thought she might punch Rosie O’Donnel right in the nose.

11 Responses to “A classy broad”

  1. rich Says:

    That list Joy Behr was reading seemed familiar, almost like she cribbed it from the old SKB site. And like the SKB list it was chock full of inaccuracies, distortions,and outright fabrications.

    But it makes for good TV, right?

  2. #9 Says:

    That list Joy Behr was reading seemed familiar, almost like she cribbed it from the old SKB site.

    Now that you mention it, I thought it was very familiar. It was like she was channeling the old SKB Tao.

  3. Michael Says:

    Yes, she is smart and beuatiful, a rare package.

    That Rosie on the other hand, she makes my blood boil and that vein in my neck buldge out. I wish she would aske me the same damn question, because there would be no hesitation of a resounding “yes, I do believe you think the US troops are terrorist.”

  4. Ravenwood Says:

    I’m constantly amazed at how Elizabeth manages to remain on that show. I hate arguing politics with people who are so blinded by ideology that they regurgitate ignorant talking points.

    They’re like those “flat earth” people, and there’s no convincing them otherwise. So why bother.

  5. Metulj Says:

    “They’re like those “flat earth” people, and there’s no convincing them otherwise. So why bother.”

    This comment in a blog post by the Leader of the Men at the Center of the Earth? Haaaaa! Haaa! Oh, shit. Haaa! Bwwaaahhaaaa! Heh. Choke. Cough. Wheew…

  6. straightarrow Says:

    Consider this ad hominem. Ravenwood, unlock the bathroom door, drop your dick, take a deep breath and call a therapist. You’ve been in there too damn long.

  7. #9 Says:

    This comment in a blog post by the Leader of the Men at the Center of the Earth? Haaaaa! Haaa! Oh, shit. Haaa! Bwwaaahhaaaa! Heh. Choke. Cough. Wheew…

    Well, that is nicer than calling people “mouth-breathers”. Or is that Axel’s line?

    You are always welcome here Butterfly, at least from my perspective, I can’t speak for Uncle. I saw you had a spat the other day and rikki called you Butterfly. While a term of endearment from me I was surprised. Quite the argument you all had over in Progressiveville.

    BTW, rikki was right. Always easier to pick the low lying fruit than to actually try and discuss anything. Not a problem though, comic relief is good too.

  8. bob r Says:

    @straightarrow: I don’t get it; just what about Ravenwood’s comment brought that on?

  9. Metulj Says:

    “BTW, rikki was right. Always easier to pick the low lying fruit than to actually try and discuss anything. Not a problem though, comic relief is good too.”

    Low-hanging fruit and the Leader of the Men at the Center of the Earth too. Wow. Look, the day you can explain the difference between possession and property, you’ll get a star beside your name on the Word Wall.

  10. #9 Says:

    Look, the day you can explain the difference between possession and property, you’ll get a star beside your name on the Word Wall.

    No star needed. Individualists believe they have both possession and property. I own my car, my gun, and my home. I both possess them and have ownership.

    Collectivists believe people don’t own their property other than they can sell it or borrow against it. Rather that it is an extended loan from the State and the State has actual possession of private property. The State controls the deed process and requires part of the property be held in a right of way. Should the State see fit they can take the property and give it to someone else for a price the State sees as fair.

    Collectivist cheer the State and its power while Individualist defend the individuals rights. Collectivist see the Kelo ruling as common sense, Individualist see it as unconstitutional.

    Not sure what collectivist think about cars or guns. But I have an idea I would not agree.

  11. #9 Says:

    Just in: Breaking News.

    Hasta la vista Rosie.

    ABC has just announced that Rosie O’Donnell will not be back on “The View.”

    Brian Frons, President of ABC Daytime, issued the following statement:

    “We had hoped that Rosie would be with us until the end of her contract three weeks from now, but Rosie has informed us that she would like an early leave. Therefore, we part ways, thank her for her tremendous contribution to ‘The View’ and wish her well.”

    Door, ass, I’m sure you know the drill.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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