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A swath of protesters led by the Rev. Jesse Jackson descended on a Riverdale gun shop they said is funneling deadly weapons into Chicago, demanding that state and federal lawmakers toughen firearms laws.

Open since 1971, Chuck’s Gun Shop has become a target for gun activists who say it symbolizes the inefficiency of existing gun-control laws. They said Chuck’s is one of a handful of weapons stores that sit just outside Chicago and contribute to firearm deaths. “This is a state of madness,” Jackson told a crowd of about 1,000. “These laws create open season on innocent people.”

I found Chuck’s address here. I think I’ll call them tomorrow and order something they can ship (i.e., not a gun or ammo) in support of them.

Update: more at PGP, who notes: But pressed on his sources, Jackson admitted after the rally that he does not have statistics on the store.

2 Responses to “Buycott”

  1. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    I think this passage from Rev. Jesse sums it up:

    He also wants semi-automatic weapons, such as AK-47s, to be outlawed.

    Need I say more?

  2. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    What’s also interesting is the “open season on innocent people” line.

    I dunno what the deal is in Chicago, but 80%+ of homicides here in Baltimore are linked to the drug trade.

    The idea that those types of folks wouldn’t kill each other in the absence of guns is bullshyte of the most rare refinement.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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