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Number of Republicans, Democrats down

Yet, still no viable third party? 32.9% of us are not affiliated with a major party.

2 Responses to “Number of Republicans, Democrats down”

  1. ben Says:

    Of course there’s no third party. The 32.9% of non-affiliated voters are typically diametrically opposed and at each others throats from at least five different directions. How can you make a political party out of that?

  2. Brutal Hugger Says:

    The vast majority of those 32.9% are affiliated with Democrats and Republicans in the only way that matters: every November, they vote for Democrats and Republicans.

    Personally, I live in NYC, where most local elections are decided during the Democratic primary. Whether I agree with the Democrats or not, I’d be a fool not to register Democratic because I’d like my vote to count. In areas that tilt heavily toward one party or another, the restricting yourself to voting in the general election is somewhat futile.

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