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Lyme Disease

Advice on avoiding it, from rimfire who has it. Again.

One Response to “Lyme Disease”

  1. Rivrdog Says:

    I spent two summers out of door in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. They had it all up there (bugs, that is), and I was never without at least one full bottle of REI Jungle Juice with 100% DEET. Burns the crap out of your tender parts, but you get used to that and it’s fairly obnoxious smell, because when you’re properly covered with it, NOTHING BITES FOR AT LEAST 8 HOURS!

    With that much DEET, only HDPE Poly plastics can stand up to it, so anything else will melt when touched with even a thin film of it. OFF makes it that strong also, but I don’t like their little shirt-pocket bottle, which has a tendency to open it’s valve all by itself and leak all over everything (melting much stuff, such as cell phones, etc). The REI stuff has a simple screw-on top that seals tightly.

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