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We are not from here

I guess we’re all immigrants. Even the trees. Via Chris.

The universe continues to piss me off.

5 Responses to “We are not from here”

  1. Squeaky Wheel Says:

    Regarding that last post you linked to (where you rambled about the meaning of the universe, basically), I’m not sure I understand why it’s so hard for people to comprehend your question about what existed before the universe (or the big ball of stuff, or whatever). They say time didn’t exist, so the answer is “nothing”, but I don’t buy it. Before there were clocks, there weren’t such things as “1600 hours”, and people figured out what they should probably be doing by the sun and the moon. So one can argue that time didn’t exist before people started sticking numbers on sundials. Time is a concept invented by humans. EXISTENCE is what we’re measuring. The existence of that meeting, to us, lasted an hour. Pregnancy in a person exists for a time we call approximately 40 weeks. Get what I mean?

    It stands to reason that SOMETHING HAPPENED before the giant mass ball thingy existed…otherwise, where did it come from? And what happened before that to cause those events that caused the mass? It can go on and on, ad nauseum. To deny the existence of such events because of the lack of “time” is, frankly, just as bad as someone who says that the only reason any of us are here is because some very large invisible guy stole a rib from one of his creations and fashioned a female counterpart, they made whoopee, and here we are. It’s narrow-minded and a method of preventing deeper thought, because deeper thought scares the shit out of people (with good reason – it hurts when you do it too long, and it can be depressing to think you don’t mean anything in the big scheme of things).

    I’m not saying that any theory is wrong…that’s why they’re called “theories” and not facts. I’m just saying that limiting yourself to one theory because you either can’t or won’t accept another line of reasoning…that just sucks.

  2. DirtCrashr Says:

    The big question is, since we’re not from here, will we grant us Amnesty?

  3. Phelps Says:

    Ah, everyone on the planet came from Mars right before it got hit by Nibiru anyways.

  4. Lyle Says:

    Squatters’ rights.

  5. nk Says:

    This says it all. It’s worth waiting the one minute till the narrative starts.

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