First I’ve heard of this
On the NICS bill, the Philly Inquirer notes:
The NRA says it supports the move because it tightens existing safeguards, rather than expand controls. But, no surprise, there’s a gimmie or two for the NRA. Among the most troubling is the exclusion from the background-check system of veterans with mental health problems.
First I’ve heard of that.
Also, note to the Philly Inquirer: the terms anti-violence and gun-control are not synonyms. And this statement:
In many states, gun-show weapons sales to this day are permitted without background checks.
Is a lie. Sales at gun shows are subject to the same federal regulations as sales not at gun shows.
July 2nd, 2007 at 9:59 am
There’s no “gun show loophole” in PA either. But since it didn’t work, now we need one-gun-a-month.