Move to TN from Cali, get an (almost) free AR-15. In comments here, Tam told Josh if he moved to TN that she would give him an AR lower. I upped the ante and said I’d throw in a stock and a lower parts kit. So, all he needs is an upper.
Move to TN from Cali, get an (almost) free AR-15. In comments here, Tam told Josh if he moved to TN that she would give him an AR lower. I upped the ante and said I’d throw in a stock and a lower parts kit. So, all he needs is an upper.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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July 12th, 2007 at 8:42 am
Upper?? Done!
July 12th, 2007 at 8:13 pm
Hell, I’ll send y’all a couple of 20 rd(Colt)mags for it.
July 13th, 2007 at 8:49 am
[…] to get someone out of Cali and in TN, Tam has offered a lower. I offered an LPK and stock. ParatrooperJJ has offered up an upper. And emdfl has offered up a couple of […]
July 13th, 2007 at 10:36 am
One new gun-owner at a time, heh.