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How to spot a concealed carry holder

Brittney emails this link focusing on clothes and mannerisms.

I find I play this game out in public, particularly at gun shops and gun shows, where I guess who’s packing. And I have to state that my rather, err, unconventional methods of carry (i.e., ClipDraw on a Glock or Kel-Tec in the front pocket) make me difficult to make. That’s probably why I’ve never been body slammed by the coppers. That and I don’t wear a shoot me first vest.

12 Responses to “How to spot a concealed carry holder”

  1. Gregory Morris Says:

    Here in FL, any older person can get away with the fashion faux pas of wearing a fanny pack. I pretty much assume if I see a fanny pack, especially on someone who isn’t 80 years old, it is probably for their concealed weapon.

    Personally, as convenient as a fanny pack would be, I could never bring myself to wear one. Plus, it would be extremely obvious why I was wearing it, defeating the purpose in some cases.

    The company that makes Smart Carry holsters is right down the road from me… I’m thinking about one of them.

  2. Magus Says:

    I’ve seen a Kel-Tec P3AT carried in a Velcro closed PDA case with a big white “hp” logo on it.

    Professional looking in nearly any setting.

  3. Bruce Says:

    “…with a big white “hp” logo on it.”

    Why advertise the type of ammo you’re carrying? 😉

  4. Joe Huffman Says:

    I was carrying in all these photos. Can you spot where and how? It’s a fullsized 1911 style with a 5″ barrel, double stack magazine with 18 rounds of .40 S&W plus 1 in the chamber.

  5. Fodder Says:

    I’ve trying to envision how you conceal a piece using a ClipDraw in the front pocket and just can’t see how that works. Can you link to an image for us slow California types?

  6. Les Jones Says:

    Joe: in the bottom photo I see a clip on your belt for an IWB-type holster.

    I also see a clip for a tactical folder in a front pocket. Someone mentioned on The High Road that that’s almost a tell. Most people who have CCWs also have a tactical folder. I know I do.

  7. JR Says:

    Most of the tells illustrated in the link can be overcome with a good holster and some confidence in your concealment.

  8. Joe Huffman Says:

    Les Jones wins the prize!

    As near as I can tell only other gun people notice enough to say the probabilties are high that there is a gun.

  9. trainer Says:

    I’ve trying to envision how you conceal a piece using a ClipDraw in the front pocket and just can’t see how that works. Can you link to an image for us slow California types?

    I like QuikClip also. Here is a picture of it on my Chiefs Special. I’m a small guy and it disappears in my front pocket.

  10. Sebastian Says:

    Joe bears an uncanny resemblance to Patrick Stewart in the second photo, the Captain of the Enterprise in Star Trek, TNG.

  11. Joe Huffman Says:

    It’s the way I part my hair.

  12. Jack Says:

    I carry my NAA .32 Guardian with the laser slipper in a back pants pocket. When I bend over it says “wallet”. Not much horsepower, but perfect concealment thoughout the day. Jack.

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