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These are not the FOIDs you’re looking for

Paul “reasoned discourse” Helmke:

Based on a handwritten legal opinion issued last week by a Judge in Winnebago County, Illinois, the state of Illinois could now allow 10-month old children who get FOID cards to keep 9mm pistols in their baby carriages as long as the holster covers the gun and the ammo clip is in a separate pouch

The only problem is that is made up. The first ruling says that complying with the law is legal. And the second proves that anyone can get a Firearms Owner Identification Card. That’s some fine reasoned discourse you got there Pauly (can I call you that?).

It’s rather odd that Helmke is poking fun at Illinois, since The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Ownership ranks Illinois with an A-.

2 Responses to “These are not the FOIDs you’re looking for”

  1. Jack Says:

    What’s the big deal? My 4 1/2 yr old granddaughter already knows more about safe gun handling than most adults. Jack.

  2. chris Says:

    Illinois is not a free state.

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