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The horror, the horror

The Olympics are in London. One of the sports is shooting. In Britain, they’re afraid of guns and pointy things. But they decide to let people practice anyway, though they have to do so with armed police standing around them. This is, apparently, still too lax for some:

But anti-gun campaigners reacted furiously to the proposed changes, warning that they represented the “thin end of the wedge”, and that the sport would use it to prise out permanent exemptions from the handgun ban.

Oh, England. What happened to you?

4 Responses to “The horror, the horror”

  1. Random Things that Made Me Laugh and Nod My Head « Tiny Cat Pants Says:

    […] And Britain, too, apparently, where folks are up in arms (ha, not literally [woo, I like making jokes for my […]

  2. gattsuru Says:

    the sport would use it to prise out permanent exemptions from the handgun ban.

    We can only hope.

  3. Exador Says:

    So they’re guarding the guns with…guns.

  4. Kevin Baker Says:

    …warning that they represented the “thin end of the wedge”, and that the sport would use it to prise out permanent exemptions from the handgun ban.

    You’ll note they object to project having their own tactics used against them.

    Quelle surprise.

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