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Tam says that you can’t swing a cat in Knoxville without hitting another blogger. Apparently Philadelphia is quite a bloggy city itself.  Some Philly area blogs I know about:

Support Your Local Gunfighter
Classical Values
I know GeekWithA.45 moved somehwere around here!
Tony Phyrillas
And last, but hopefully not least, me.

So we have a few folks, but I don’t run into other bloggers.  We’re a pretty big area, so it would take a pretty big cat.

6 Responses to “Blogopolis”

  1. Stormy Dragon Says:

    I’m in the Phill burbs, although I’m not sure I count as blogger due to low output.

  2. Sebastian Says:

    It’s not the low output, it’s the fact that you use LiveJournal 🙂

    BTW, I used to “blog” on LiveJournal for a few years before I decided to do it on my own. If you can figure out who I am and friend me, I’ll friend you back.

  3. tgirsch Says:


    Where in the Philly burbs?

  4. Stormy Dragon Says:

    Limerick, PA

  5. Sebastian Says:

    Limerick, you can smell the uranium in the air 🙂

  6. Stormy Dragon Says:

    Heh, my current home is so close to the plant we don’t even have an evacuation route on the diaster plan because we’re considered a lost cause if anything ever happens.

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