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New gun blog

Reader, commentator and reasoned-discourse-inator Thirdpower now has a blog. So, is it like a law that if you have a gun blog on blogspot you have to use that template?

Anyhoo, get thee hence and read.

3 Responses to “New gun blog”

  1. Tam Says:

    So, is it like a law that if you have a gun blog on blogspot you have to use that template?

    Not really, but it is heavily suggested.

  2. Les Jones Says:

    “Days of Our Trailers,” huh?

    That gives me an idea. I’m going to write a soap opera about alcoholics. I’ll call it “Days of our Livers.”

  3. Les Jones Says:

    “Like whiskey through a shotglass, so are the Days of our Livers.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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