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The Anti-Rights crowd just keep blaming someone else

Faced with escalating gun violence, the Sacramento City Council […] voted unanimously to require gun owners to report thefts of firearms within 48 hours […] and to require firearms dealers to thumb-print […] record the names and addresses of people who buy ammunition.

Um, OK.

Similar measures enacted in other cities, including Los Angeles, San Francisco and Oakland, have not reduced gun crimes.

If even you say it won’t affect the problem, why do you support it?

The Tiahrt Amendment, named after U.S. Rep. Todd Tiahrt, the Kansas Republican who first tacked it onto a Justice Department appropriations bill in 2003, bars law enforcement officials from sharing information about gun trafficking trends.

Oh I see it now, this really about blaming Congress for the local police not stopping all gun violence.

The next time someone in California is killed by a criminal using an illegally obtained firearm, their survivors should contact Congress, including Reps. Lewis and Calvert, to ask them to explain why they voted to deprive police of the tools they need to combat illegal gun sales.

There we go. Except local police can get trace data on stolen firearms, just like they could before, simply by asking for it. What I think the Sacramento Bee is not saying, is they can’t use trace data for anything except tracing stolen firearms. No politically inspired data mining. No agenda backed fishing expiditions. No vendetta’s. Just stolen firearms traces.

6 Responses to “The Anti-Rights crowd just keep blaming someone else”

  1. Linoge Says:

    ‘Ere’s a crazy thought:


    How about we appropriately blame, and appropriately punish, the actual people who are really responsible for the crimes, not the law-abiding citizens who are only exercising their rights? How about we lay the responsibility squarely where it should – on the shoulders of the criminals, on the shoulders of the judges who let them go free, and firmly in the guts of the attorneys who fought for that freedom – as opposed to aimlessly pointing fingers at law-makers?

    No, that would be too hard. That would be too honest. That would hurt someone’s fucking feelings.

    Criminals are criminals because they break laws! Why is that so gorramed hard for some people to understand?

  2. Cactus Jack Says:

    Linoge Says:

    August 14th, 2007 at 9:06 pm
    ‘Ere’s a crazy thought:


    How about we appropriately blame, and appropriately punish, the actual people who are really responsible for the crimes, not the law-abiding citizens who are only exercising their rights? How about we lay the responsibility squarely where it should – on the shoulders of the criminals, on the shoulders of the judges who let them go free, and firmly in the guts of the attorneys who fought for that freedom – as opposed to aimlessly pointing fingers at law-makers?

    No, that would be too hard. That would be too honest. That would hurt someone’s fucking feelings.

    Criminals are criminals because they break laws! Why is that so gorramed hard for some people to understand?
    Because with the liberals it’s not about CRIME, it’s about CONTROL! A armed populance is one that cant be ruled. Cracking down on crime is the reason they’re using in their attempts to disarm us.

    This quote could very easily be attributed to Hillary the dyke, Barack Obama, Chappaquiddick Ted, etc.

    “This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the the world will follow our lead into the future!” Adolf Hitler, 1935

  3. thirdpower Says:

    We’re going to here the “stopping police from sharing” meme for the rest of our lives. I and others actually posted the amendment over on the Brady Blog when it was up and asked the anti’s to show me where it stated the authorities couldn’t share data. Strangely enough, they never did, then the comments got closed.

  4. robert Says:

    This law is an incremental step. In the future, when firearms are confiscated, shooters won’t be able to say they no longer own the gun because they were required to report it stolen or transfered. These folks are playing the LONG game. This isn’t an innocent or even a “feel good” law. This is a step to criminalize gun owners later when confiscation passes.

  5. Linoge Says:

    Yeah, I know Jack… it just really, really, really gets under my skin that people can be so intentionally stupid.

    Thanks for the quote, though…. Old Adolf was certainly right about the last part…

  6. Bob R Says:

    The Hitler “quote” is bogus. It really needs to die.

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