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Where Did The Gun Come From?

Cam Edwards points out a new anti-gun blog. I’m half tempted to put up a blog called “Why Was This Criminal Roaming the Streets?”. It would appear that this blog has not yet been introduced to Paul Helmke’s “reasoned discourse”. In other words, comments are open. Be nice!

UPDATE: Thirdpower mentions in the comments:

Actually, the comments are “moderated”. Just like Robyn Ringler’s, the author seems to be deleting the majority of the pro-gun comments. I posted several polite ones questioning the accuracy of other posters w/ evidence and they never showed.

So I was incorrect.  This blog uses a different kind of discourse from Paul.   They use “reasoned echo chamber”, it seems.

6 Responses to “Where Did The Gun Come From?”

  1. thirdpower Says:

    Actually, the comments are “moderated”. Just like Robyn Ringler’s, the author seems to be deleting the majority of the pro-gun comments. I posted several polite ones questioning the accuracy of other posters w/ evidence and they never showed.

  2. Jack Says:

    Why not “Where did the criminal come from” ? Jack.

  3. Cactus Jack Says:

    thirdpower Says:

    August 15th, 2007 at 9:00 am
    Actually, the comments are “moderated”. Just like Robyn Ringler’s, the author seems to be deleting the majority of the pro-gun comments. I posted several polite ones questioning the accuracy of other posters w/ evidence and they never showed.
    Nancyrob said; “We’re not targeting YOUR gun, we’re targeting CRIME guns. We want to break down the system of illegal trafficking that provides guns to criminals. We hope you’ll weigh in with your thoughts about how we can keep guns out of the hands of kids and criminals. So many lives depend on us doing this better.”

    She wants ideas all right, but only ones she agrees with. And IMHO, she IS targeting OUR guns.

  4. Jay Says:

    I too posted a comment to the “Where Did The Gun Come From” blog that has not been printed. Here is the text of my comment:

    You ask: Why else would gun sellers advertise a Tech-9 as “fingerprint resistant”

    As is so often true, the path to enlightenment begins with asking the right questions.

    1) Why has no city, state, or country (even those with strict gun control laws) banned “fingerprint resistant” guns?

    2) An ad for a “fingerprint resistant” gun might be a powerful propaganda tool for gun control advocates. In view of this, why has the actual ad advertising a Tec-9 as “fingerprint resistant” never been shown or published by gun control advocates?

    Let us know if you find the answers, or give it some thought and take a guess. If you cannot find the answers, let me know and I will be happy to post them here.

  5. Jim W Says:

    She canned my comments as well. She only approves people who agree with her.

  6. Sailorcurt Says:

    She has posted at least one comment from a pro-gunner but it was pretty mundane.

    Any challenge asking her to support or document the evidence for her arguments or providing evidence to counter her “points” are dismissed and never posted.

    Basically, she wants to be able to assert her fantasies without being questioned and won’t brook any facts or evidence cluttering up her propaganda.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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