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I swear, I just saw this article a month ago, but now a new verion, with more pants shitting hysterics, has popped up in Forbes.  The gist of it is that guns from the United States are the source of most of the guns used in crime in Mexico.   Link to article here.

Authorities are sounding the alarm about an influx of assault rifles, armor-piercing pistols and fragmentation grenades from the United States, weapons that they say are increasingly being used to kill police and soldiers fighting drug cartels.

The entire article is littered with statements about the “US Gun Industry” and “funneling weapons”, etc.  A “government report” issued to the Mexican senate estimated that 99.4% of the guns in the hands of criminals in Mexico game from the US.

I would really, really like to see that report.  Because to say that 99.4% of the illegal guns in Mexico came from the US would mean that people in the US are supply Mexicans with full-auto Kalishnikovs and other weapons that aren’t easy to get your hands on here.

The article even trots out the “Five-SeveN boogeyman” – I’m sure you’re familiar with this.  It’s where the 5.7mm cartridge from FN will cause the streets to run red with blood.

There are a couple of statements in the article that seem accurate.  A Mexican official pointed out that the illegal gun trade in their country is linked to the narcotics trade.  I guess that means he gets the “No shit, Sherlock” award for his fabulous dective work on that one.

Near the end of an article, a “Mexican firearms enthusiast” opines on how easy it is to get a gun in Mexico, provided you know the right people.  I agree, it probably is pretty easy to get armed down there – but I just have a hard time buying the accusation that America is supplying 99.4% of Mexico’s illegal guns.

Especially since I can’t see the report that they used to come to that conclusion.

10 Responses to “Really?”

  1. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Yawn…didn’t anybody see Lord of War? Even if you assume that all the unsourced, naked assertions and suspicious numbers in that article are legitimate (which I rather doubt), the idea that there’d be no guns in Mexico if the US supply dried up is rather fanciful.

    What nonsense. There are NOT guns in Mexico because of US laws. It’s ILLEGAL for a Mexican to come to the US and buy a Five-SeveN or any other firearm. The people who are supplying these guys are ALREADY breaking the fucking law.

    Make no mistake–Mexico is saying that the only solution to the unfortunate dilemma they face (a corrupt govt that is beholden to drug cartels) is for YOU and ME to give up our right to own firearms…which is really stupid, considering that Yuri Orlov would love to step in to fill the void. The cartels will still be armed, but now we’d be disarmed. Not. Going. To. Happen. Vincente. Sorry.

    Millions and millions of their citizens leave Mexico to work here illegally. They’re not able to stop that. Nor can they stop their coke and heroin from coming here. Why should they think we can stop guns from going there?

  2. ahab Says:

    Here’s what I really don’t get – assume for the moment that someone did smuggle an AK or two into Mexico from here.

    How did that full-auto AK get here in the first place? Why even try to smuggle it here, when Mexico’s border controls are…uh…well, they’re crap. It just doesn’t make sense.

    Blaming the US for Mexico’s crime problem would be like blaming the French for invasion of Russia during WWII.

  3. Blounttruth Says:

    Sebastian took the text right off my keyboard (words out of my mouth). The real surprise here is that I thought they were only going to use the border issue as a drug enforcement problem. The story on FOX NEWS last night is once again that the drugs on the border were funding terrorists. We all know how the drug cartels want all Americans dead so their business will die off, so they are now supporting terrorists. I assume that since there is no money to be made by building a fence on the border they feel that they should at the very least add as much political manure as they can while the issue is hot. But thank god that they are focusing on the border issue, as it will save all the children (sarcasm off).

  4. Rustmeister Says:

    I want me an armor piercing pistol. Wonder if it’s helmet mounted?

  5. Fodder Says:

    Does the article mention where I can buy frags (fragmentation grenades)? Drive by grenadings being so common and all.

  6. Smokin Says:

    I don’t recall ever seeing a Mexican made weapon..anywhere. I’ll wager 99+% of the Mexican criminals’ weapons are US made because 99+% the Mexican Army’s and Police weapons are from the US as well. Probably 99% of ALL weapons in Mexico are US made. What a shithole.

  7. chris Says:

    Isn’t Fox’s brother a narco kingpen?

    What bothers me is that we can’t get cheap 38 super, the Mexican caliber of choice, from Mexico.

    Maybe I can get the guys who cut my yard to reload 38 super for me in my garage.

  8. Lergnom Says:

    Hey, maybe these are part of the missing and unaccounted for 190,000 Aks and pistols the .gov bought to equip the Iraqi army and police forces.

  9. Cactus Jack Says:

    “A “government report” issued to the Mexican senate estimated that 99.4% of the guns in the hands of criminals in Mexico game from the US.”
    And 99.4% of the criminals in the USA came from Mexico. If they can blame us for their woes then we can blame them for ours. Fair is fair…

  10. straightarrow Says:

    Fuck ’em and feed em lizard heads and rice.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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