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Ammo prices

Via insty, it seems that the reasons for the ammo price increase are different from what we’ve been told:

According to two spokesmen for the world’s largest ammunition manufacturer, which runs the military’s ammunition manufacturing plant and separately, is a major supplier of law enforcement ammunition, it is a massive and unexpected increase in law enforcement ammunition demand that is causing delays in law enforcement ammunition delays, not the war.

Odd. I had heard it was the increase in metal prices coupled with war demands.

2 Responses to “Ammo prices”

  1. HardCorps Says:

    They probably started realizing a 14 y/o farm boy with a Remington rifle could out shoot their most tacti-cool officer.

  2. sleazy Says:

    No. The 14 y/o will just be able to out shoot MORE of them.

    This is caused by the Homeland Security grants to hire more police. Think there are too many SWAT teams now? Just wait another 5 years.

    All PD are hiring more officers. PLUS, every agency is starting their own armed police force. Each of these new officers must hit a target X number of times within their first year of hire. This likely takes dozens of attempts/100s of rounds.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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