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Across the pond

KDT wrote:

A long time ago, I responded to the question ”Why do you spend so much time looking at news from Britain?” with ”Because if we’re not careful, all that could happen here.”

Here’s hoping not. Notably, this bit about banning thinking about drinking (which Greg thinks is cause for shooting the bastards) is particularly scary:

People who even think about going for a drink face being banned from their town centre for up to two days under wideranging new police powers.

And here’s some scary bits:

The banning orders – called ‘directions to leave’ – can last for 48 hours and any breach can be punished with a fine of up to £2,500.

Fingerprints and DNA samples will be taken.


Police can act against someone for doing nothing more illegal than looking like they might cause alcoholrelated disorder, whether they have started drinking or not.

I can’t imagine living under such a police state.

3 Responses to “Across the pond”

  1. _Jon Says:

    … Then you haven’t been paying attention to what your governor has been doing at the Tail of the Dragon part of 129, have you?

  2. straightarrow Says:

    Look for a civil war in the UK in the near future. As cowardly as rats are they will fight for their own survival.

  3. Dave Says:

    The simple answer to that old question:
    Gun control advocates like to bring England up as a positive example of gun control, in spite of the fact that their murder rates were always low, and the overall crime rate has gone up.

    I wouldn’t mention the UK situation at all except for the fact that the woefully uninformed or deliberately disingenuous use them to bolster their arguments.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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