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With Bloomberg out, candidates vie to woo his supporter

I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there.

3 Responses to “With Bloomberg out, candidates vie to woo his supporter”

  1. BobG Says:

    Since they are politicians, I got this sudden mental image of all the candidates lined up in front of the unnamed supporter, each with chapstick in one hand and a set of kneepads in the other.

  2. Smacklug Says:

    Wait, I don’t get it, are they talking about some specific supporter of that guy or do they mean “supporters?”

  3. Rivrdog Says:

    1. Take the new coffee can to the can opener.
    2. Run the can opener to open the coffee can.
    3. Lift the opened lid off the can of coffee.
    4. Smell the coffee.

    Now that you all are awake and have smelled the coffee, please be advised that Michael Bloomberg has no mysterious “supporter”. He originally proposed (and never contradicted it) to spend his own money on his race.

    The “mysterious” supporter is Michael Bloomberg himself. Were I running for POTUS, I would consider turning tricks at high noon in the public square for campaign money before I would take a dime of Bloomberg’s. Both sources are sinful.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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