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Note to GWB: Gonzales has resigned. Can you put someone who is pro-gun in charge?


8 Responses to “Favor”

  1. _Jon Says:

    Note to Uncle:
    GWB said he would sign an extension to the “AWB” if it reached his desk.
    He’s not “pro gun”, so he isn’t going to appoint someone who is.

    He’s a Liberal with an R after his name.

  2. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    No, he’s an authortarian with an R after his name. The relevant distinction in society anymore isn’t liberal vs conservative, it’s authortarian vs. freedom.

  3. _Jon Says:

    “…bbbBut he wants to spread freeeedom! throughout the world!!!!”


  4. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Heh. “Freedom” equalling the right to elect govts that agree with his authortarian agenda.

  5. Volunteer Voters » Gonzales Resignation Reacts Says:

    […] Say Uncle: “Note to GWB: Gonzales has resigned. Can you put someone who is pro-gun in charge? Thanks.” […]

  6. Ron W Says:

    Ah-huh, oh yeah sure…a pro-gun, pro-Bill of Rights Atty. Gen. Most of the politicians in Washington are dead set against that!!

    They’re lookin’ forward to that next “terrorist attack” so they can clamp down with gun confiscations. DHS even has a program for turn-coat preachers to tell their people to be obedient slaves and hand over their guns when it comes time.

  7. Ron W Says:

    As I wrote

  8. ben Says:

    “Ah-huh, oh yeah sure…a pro-gun, pro-Bill of Rights Atty. Gen. Most of the politicians in Washington are dead set against that!!”

    Wasn’t the other guy, you know, um, what was his name? Well, he was pretty pro-gun wasn’t he?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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