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Just what we need

The city (my the city) is getting a mobile command center. I don’t know what that is or why Maryville needs one but they’re putting their drug and Homeland Security money to use.

4 Responses to “Just what we need”

  1. Sebastian Says:

    Sex scandal involving “mobile command center” (also known as an RV) in 5…4…3…

  2. Alcibiades Says:

    Sounds like an Urban Assault Vehicle. They’ll take that baby to Czechoslovakia on the Weekend. Or maybe Mexico.

  3. existingthing Says:

    It’s for spending all the money so they can ask for more next year.

  4. Billll Says:

    If you google “backwater” you’ll probably find a reference to my town; Littleton, CO. Nevertheless, the PD bought a “Mobile Command Center” in the form of an armored Humvee last year. I suppose the sectarian violence between the Lutherans and the Episcopalians has been flaring up, and there’s an increase in car bombings down in the “Unitarian Triangle”, so the purchase was justified.

    One can easily imagine a large leather swivel chair for the mayor, surrounded by monitors showing the outside world, and hatches in the roof, so the Fire and Police chiefs can bark orders over the new hi-tech bullhorns.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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