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Gun Blogger Rendezvous Update

Just booked my flight to the Gun Blogger Rendezvous in Reno, NV. It’s organized by Mr. Completely and last year, a good time was had by all. It’s open to gun bloggers and commenters. So, head to the link to get info on the shindig and I hope to see you there.

Update: BTW, who plans on going?

28 Responses to “Gun Blogger Rendezvous Update”

  1. Kevin Baker Says:

    Yo! Got my hotel reservations and my money in to Mr. Completely. I’m driving again this year. Through Vegas so I don’t have to cross into Kalifornistan.

  2. DirtCrashr Says:

    I’m too close to fly, but it’s a long drive and uphill all the way – I just wrote my check and put it in the mail…

  3. ben Says:

    I hope you guys are going next year. And I hope they change the date next year too. It’s no good having the GBR on opening weekend of DEER SEASON! Argh!

    I’m too busy this year, working three jobs and trying to graduate. Double Argh!

  4. USCitizen Says:

    I’m paid up and the reservations are made! See you all there …

  5. Robb Allen Says:

    I can’t make it. Just can’t afford the plane fare and the hotel, and unfortunately at this time travel is limited since I’m not sure when my mother is going to have surgery.

    Would someone mind hooking up a web cam so that those of us who couldn’t make it physically could be there virtually?

  6. Chris Byrne Says:

    Well, Mel and I will be there. Oh and we may be near K’Ville next summer, and would probably be looking to get together then too.

  7. SayUncle Says:

    Chris, keep me posted on kville.

  8. Rob Says:

    I will be there for Friday and Saturday. Looking forward to it.

  9. Les Jones Says:

    Going to a friend’s wedding that weekend. Maybe next year.

  10. Sebastian Says:

    Robb… I have a cam on my MacBook, which I’ll be taking with me. Maybe I’ll upload some video.

  11. Ride Fast Says:

    We’re in. Just reserved the rooms. Looking forward to seeing all of you again and meeting the new attendees.

  12. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Crikey, need to get my arse out there. I have a friend who lives a few hours away in Sac…could probably stay for free and then rent a car or something.

    Anybody going to Front Sight this year? I might sign up for the four day defensive pistol course in November…

  13. Tam Says:

    Last year I had the money, but no time.

    This year, it looks like I’ll have the time, but no money.

    Que sera, sera.

  14. Kevin Baker Says:


    Can’t you make arrangements to stow away in one of Uncle’s suitcases? 😉

  15. Joe Huffman Says:

    Tam, I’d be tempted to give you some frequent flyer miles so you could attend if you were seriously interested. I couldn’t help out on the hotel though–I already have plans to share my room with my wife. 🙂

  16. Robb Allen Says:

    I’m too large to be considered carry on, but if someone wants to shove me in their suitcase I could guarantee their firearms would not be putzed with by the baggage handlers.

  17. jimmyb Says:

    The missus and I are in. Everything booked, and ready to go.

    See you there!!

  18. Kevin Baker Says:


    Take Joe up on his offer of air miles, and I’ll chip in and help pay for a room.

    And Sebastian? You’d better be bringing Bitter! (I love alliteration!)

  19. SayUncle » Big Schtick Says:

    […] Update: BTW, people are offering to pay for Tam’s trip to the Gun Blogger Rendezvous. […]

  20. Sebastian Says:

    Bitter bemoans being busy battling budgetary brigands.

    In other words “She’s busy with her new job at a foundation that fights congressional pork” 🙂

  21. countertop Says:

    Not gonna make it. Just don’t have the time.

    The Other Sebastian: No front sight this fall, but was looking at heading out in February.

  22. USCitizen Says:

    I’ll help with the Air Miles and the rooms if Tam can attend, too.

  23. Sebastian Says:

    I can kick in a few toward the Tam hotel fund if she wants to go.

  24. blackfork Says:

    Tam must be the class favorite.

  25. Tam Says:

    Tam may have accidentally gotten herself a job and wound up back on the other side of the time/money equation… 😮

  26. Linoge Says:

    I would come (not that far off the beaten path for me), but I doubt showing up for only the last day would be much fun.

  27. Sebastian Says:

    That’s good news Tam! I hope it works out.

  28. Sebastian Says:

    Well, not good news that you won’t be coming to GBR, but I imagine having income is good news.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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