Archive for August, 2007

August 13, 2007

Backup Guns and Reloads

Chris Byrne has a pretty good read on carrying a backup gun and spare magazines.  I’ve always been a fan of the New York reload.  There’s no surer way to clear a jammed pistol than by quickly producing a second pistol.

I will admit, I seldom carry a backup gun or a spare magazine in summer.  In winter, I do more often.  The Glock 19 holds 15+1 rounds of 9mm Corbon DPX.  When I a carry a backup, it’s generally the Makarov, which holds 8+1 Pow’R Ball 9×18 rounds.  In summer the Mak is often my primary carry pistol.

Maschinengewehr 08 gun porn

Continuing my discussion of World War One aviation from WWJWD, here I’ll do a little gun porn.

The Fokker E. series of fighters during WWI were the first fighters to mount the interrupter gear that allowed them to fire their machine guns directly through the propeller arc without damaging the propeller.  This gave the E. series a tremendous advantage in air to air combat, as to aim the guns, the pilot had to simply aim the plane.

The machine gun that the E. series uses so effectively was the Maschinengewehr 08, or as it was often known, the Spandau MG08.  The Fokker Eindecker aircraft mounted two of the “lMG08” (light MachineGun) models as early as 1915.  Chambered for 7.92mm, with a cyclic rate of 400 rpm, one can only imagine the fear that Allied reconissance pilots would felt when they saw the silhouette of an Eindecker diving out of the sun.

Link to image of the ground emplacement version of the MG08.

More on Cow Palace Gun Show

That Mayor Gavin Newsom is a world class turd is hardly news to the readers here, but he has allies. Ace of The Madman Raves digs up a great quote from Mark Leno, who has been working with the mayor of the weirdest city in America, to close down the Cow Palace Gun Show once and for all:

Leno said that even if there’s no direct proof tying a particular gun used in a homicide in San Francisco back to its sale at a Cow Palace gun show, a ban still makes sense.

He said the shows glamorize guns with “neon signs shouting guns, guns, guns” and aren’t wanted by the neighbors who live around the arena. He added that if gun shows took place at venues in wealthier neighborhoods – say, at Kezar Pavilion or the Palace of Fine Arts – they would have been shut down long ago.

I regularly attend the Valley Forge Gun Show, which is held just outside of Valley Forge National Park, and directly adjacent to the very upscale King of Prussia Mall.  The show is held about four times a year, in one of the wealthiest areas in Pennsylvania. Newsom and his buddy might want to turn this into class warfare, but it doesn’t pass the smell test for me. People like owning and shooting guns.  Get over it!

Newsom and Leno can take their pant shitting hysterics, and stuff them back from whence they came.

Monday Time Waster

Turn yourself into a Simpsons Character. You can save your work as a Yahoo avatar or AIM Buddy icon.

My sister did a perfect one for herself, but I wasn’t able to get a good one for me.

August 12, 2007

Fenty Giving Up the Armed Guards

Pro-Gun Progressive says that Washington DC mayor Adrian Fenty has forgone his armed detail and is driving his own car, presumably to deflect criticism:

The cynic in me thinks it’s no accident he’s doing this as the Supreme Court gets ready to consider the Parker decision; he knows he’s about to argue that gun control is keeping DC safe, that you don’t need an armed guard, that you don’t need a gun to feel safe, etc…and he’s trying to practice what he preaches.

Of course, Washington DC is not that safe of a city.   Just ask former DC mayor Marion Barry.

Videos To Counter Brady?

I was thinking David Codrea was onto something when I read his post about Lewis Black encouraging folks to submit videos for The Brady Campaign, and he suggested had has videos he did a while back that he’d put online.

Over at my site I suggested that maybe we could produce a collection of videos to stand in contra to those the Brady’s are soliciting, showing ordinary people enjoying the shooting sports, or talking about why the second amendment is important to them.

Good idea? Bad idea? Have a say in the comments.

They Wish

Bitter does a fisking of an article in Fort Worth Star-Telegram that would like to believe that gun control is back as an issue.  To me the only news here is that two more anti-gun groups have come out against HR2640 because it’s too pro-gun.  Those groups are the Coalition Against Gun Violence, and Legal Community Against Violence.  I guess Paul Helmke hasn’t told them they are supposed to be for “reasonable dialog” yet.

Gun Ownership Falling in the Bay State

Well, at least legal gun ownership. David Codrea points out that gun licenses have fallen by 25% in the past six years in Massachusetts, while law enforcement still complain about the number of illegal guns. Massachusetts has been hemorrhaging population for a while now, to such an extent that it may lose a congressional seat in the next census.

Gun owners have been leaving at an even faster rate. Just in the gun blogosphere, we’ve had four out of five Bitch Girls, Denise and Sam of The Ten Ring, and Bruce of Mass No Looking Backwards. It’s no shocker that gun owners get fed up, and flee to states that are more respectful of their rights. The sad part is, the I’m sure the people who have created this situation couldn’t be happier. That is why when the next census comes around in a few years, I will throw a party to celebrate the dwindling political influence of the Bay State on national politics. We’ll see who’s happy then.

Mmmm, beachy

The family is here and having a good time. I’d post pics but the camera is in the bedroom where the second is napping.

Junior loved the beach. The Second took some time to warm up to it. And he’s got the trots diarrhea*. And diaper rash.

But other than that, we’re having a good time.

* The Mrs. says trots sounds trashy.

Feebs probing CCW issuance irregularities

Bias and favoritism in issuing CCW permits by the Sacto sheriff? But, but Sacto is the seat of the California gummit. It’s unpossible (SayUncle TM used w/o permission but with attribution) !

The FBI is looking into concealed-gun permits issued by the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department, according to documents filed in a lawsuit that alleges former Sheriff Lou Blanas issued permits as political favors.

Documents filed Friday in the federal civil rights suit say FBI investigators have requested gun permit documents from the department, which include a permit Blanas issued to Sacramento businessman Edwin G. Gerber. Gerber gave $3,500 to Blanas’ election campaign, election records show, and bought a vacation home with Blanas in Reno in the fall of 2005, according to property records.

It’s an open secret that the CCW system is heavily abused in the bluer counties. I doubt the FBI is going to get any meaningful reform to happen. If the feds want to go on a fishing expedition, they should start in Alameda or Los Angeles county.

August 11, 2007

I lied. But this is a funny image.

Quite a few years ago, my grandmother used to own a piece of land just down the road from where she lived, and would have to ride down the road on a lawnmower to…well, mow the property.

She had a little 9-shooter (“little”?) that she would strap to her leg while she was driving down the side of the highway, because, as she put it, “I was on a LAWNMOWER.  It’s not like I could outrun someone if they wanted to mess with me.”

Imagine this.  She’s 5’8″, blonde, big-boned…riding a lawn tractor down the side of a rural highway with a revolver strapped to her leg.

Then think about what would happen if you did something like that today.

I can’t think of that without simultaneously feeling sad while suppressing a massive giggle.

Hey…I followed the rules…this has something to do with guns, right?

Lawyers, guns and money

I have too much of one and not enough of the others. Anyone want my lawyer? Free to a good home, or not so good.

When Uncle put the call out for guest bloggers, he stated two basic rules.

1. You must post about guns.

2. Don’t be an asshole.

Now that we have established that making fun of lawyers does NOT include shooting them, I submit we can sing about lawyers without breaking Uncle’s rules, ’cause I already mentioned guns.

Weekend youtube.

OK, if you didn’t change your life by searching up Tyson, the skateboarding bulldog or check out OK GO on treadmills then there is still a chance. Anyone seen the Red Flag Prank or the Japanese Crazy Taxi? How about the Japanese Ski slope prank?

Lawyer getting shot looked funny, but wasn’t. The stuff above is REALLY funny whether your humor is black or not.

My bad

Apparently, August is the month for Ahab to eat crow – and so I shall continue. In this post, I managed to create the mistaken impression that find people being shot to be humerous. I don’t.

Initially, I thought that the guy had missed the lawyer, until I watched it through the 2nd time and heard what the eyewitness had to say. In light of the fact that the lawyer actually was hit, and almost died, the video lost the vast majority of its humor, although the part where the deputy takes the guy down was still pretty funny.

Uncle quite accurately pointed out that I’m scaring whitey again, since this is his house and not mine I felt that this post was in order.

The only thing I really have to say to R. Neil is that he should probably read up on the concept of black humor.

Chat with a moonbat

Had lunch today with a moonbat friend of mine (see, I can be friends with a lefty moonbat, I just didn’t want my daughter in law to marry one, but she did anyway). I told him how I impulsively agreed to guest blog on this Tennesseans site (at which point he turned on his Tennessee accent [he was raised in rural Tennessee] which was fun and really weird). I explained how I had to be careful not to screw up Uncles traffic as we’ll probably meet up at the Gun Blogger Rendezvous (Reno, NV in October) and he could whoop me for it.

Then I laughed and told him everyone is very polite.He looked at me questioningly, eyebrow raised. I said “Everyone is armed.”

He paused a few seconds and said “Yeah, I can see that.”

The moral of the story here is I’m reaching this guy. Slowly, but surely, he is opening his eyes.

S.F. Gun Show Ban Justification Shifts

First they said it was because of illegal transactions in the parking lot. Now it’s because the neighbors demand it be shut down.

AssemblyCritter Mark Leno doesn’t really need a reason: “Even if there was never an illegal transfer of a gun as a result of a gun show, it would not matter to me,” Leno said. “I would still author the legislation.”

Then theres this “The idea of banning gun shows at the Cow Palace came directly from the neighbors,” Leno said this afternoon. “This is about local empowerment and control.”

What the article doesn’t mention is that the “neighbors” is the Sunnydale housing project. No disrespect intended, but there is darn little advice I’d take from anyone living in the “Dale” other than “RUN!”

Corzine to Make New Jersey’s Gun Laws Tougher

Corzine vowed to make New Jersey’s gun laws tougher, in the wake of the DSU student shootings in Newark:

New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine’s administration will present legislation to strengthen the state’s gun laws and combat gang activities in response to Saturday’s execution-style shootings of four people in Newark.

New Jersey has some of the weakest gun laws in the country, Corzine said at a town meeting last night in South Orange. The town is adjacent to Newark, New Jersey’s largest city, where three college students were killed and one wounded last weekend in a schoolyard. Two suspects are in police custody.

Except that New Jersey has among the toughest gun laws in the nation already. It would appear that Governor Corzine is either deliberately misleading the public as to the nature of the Garden State’s gun laws, or he’s about as aware of his state’s existing gun laws as he is about its laws regarding speeding on public roads, and seat belt usage.

In the mean time, police have taken into custody a Jose Carranza, alleged ring leader of the group the committed the murders. He is an illegal immigrant, who had twice before been arrested, once for aggrevated assault, and once for rape of a child, and yet was somehow not only still in our country, but still out on the streets.

Now that we know who this guy is, rather than toughen the already strict and ineffective gun laws of his state, I call on Governor Corzine to report any illegal immigrant caught committing a crime to ICE authorities for immediate deportation. This was a failure of both government and gun control. Since it was already illegal for Carranza to purchase or possess a firearm anywhere in the United States, it can’t be said that new laws are going to help any.

Maybe now it is time to talk about cracking down on criminals.

You’re scaring the white people

Checking in, I see this by R. Neal talking about a post here:

They’re analyzing a Fox News video of a lawyer getting shot down outside a court house, and debating the finer points of “aimed fire” v. “point shooting” v. “stopping power,” with the added observation that “On a humorous note, watching a lawyer dodge bullets is always funny.”

Good God, people. An innocent man was shot and nearly killed by a deranged, gun-toting criminal outside a court house. And this is funny? And provides valuable technical instruction on how better to kill innocent people with a handgun?

Look, I’m all for the 2nd Amendment, with some reasonable interpretations that might prohibit my neighbor from owning rocket propelled grenade launchers and nuclear weapons. (Why is it these guys always forget to mention the “well regulated” part?) [well-regulated modifies militia and not the right of the people to keep and bear arms – ed.]

But this kind of stuff is where they lose me, and most mainstream, rationally thinking Americans. These guys sit around fantasizing about their guns and the day they will finally get to use them, like it’s some kind of video game with no consequences.

With the exception of the sitting around and fantasizing bit and the implication that gun nuts hope to shoot someone, I think he’s right on about in how we gun nuts come across when we talk about that sort of stuff. Remember what I said about scaring white people? Well, that’s what I’m talking about. Joking about people getting shot is kinda not cool.

And, no, I don’t have a particular emotional attachment to my guns. I do, however, have one to my right to keep them. And I think they’re pretty cool. And, for me, shooting is fun. It’s a hobby. I enjoy shooting guns. I enjoy building them. I enjoy learning about them. It’s like my golf or something non gun nuts do. It also has the added benefit of making me safer. That post in which I called them babies was making fun of Biden and the youtube guy. But I’ve addressed before why I’m a gun nut and noted that my reasons probably makes your average mainstream American twitch funny.

Anyway, that said. What’s wrong with lefty err liberal err progressive culture? They lose me and most mainstream, rationally thinking Americans on many issues, such as the chickenhawk canard in that post; the almost fanatical defense of Al Gore and global warming as religion [note: I happen to think Global Warming is real and these folks turn me off]; blaming Bush for hurricanes and bridge collapses; and stating they would not be surprised if Bush suspends elections and declares martial law; Etc. And, for the record, I’m not saying those are views held be R. Neal, well except the chickenhawk canard.

Lather, rinse, repeat for any culture.

Remember, any culture or group has it’s factions or positions on issues that turn regular people off.

Shameless Self-Promotion

It’s explicitly a liberal point of view, but some good conversation has cropped up surrounding this post of mine over at Lean Left.

August 10, 2007

Impugning Gavin Newsom’s Credibility

Eric, over at Classical Values, a fellow Pennsylvania based blogger, rips Gavin Newsom’s credibility on the gun issue to shreds.  Go have a read.

Ignoring the Government

The week before I left for Camp Perry a guy was killed at a horserace here in Smith County, Texas. His murderer shot him eight times and walked away through a crowd of over 600 people that were watching the horses.

Now…there is no horseracing in Smith County. According to the newspaper the 600+ people had paid five bucks each to get on the property and there was gambling, taco stands, ice cream, alcohol, drugs for sale and cars parked for a mile up and down the county road. A county CONSTABLE had his private security company doing the security, but when the sheriffs dept got there and tried to question the 200 people still on the site, nobody had seen anything or would say who they were.

Everyone spoke spanish. Nobody understood a word of english. Not a clue on the shooter so far, and it’s been two weeks.

With the Feds leaving the border open, we have 25,000 Illegal Aliens here in Smith County with a population of 120000. The side of town I live in is chock full of folks who are still wearing the same clothes they came over the border in, it seems to me. They seem to get away with ignoring the government, carrying no ID and just doing whatever they choose. If 600 Smith County property owners were watching a horse race and drinking, eating, betting and carrying on they would call out the reserves and the swat team, tow cars, arrest, detain, question, et, et.

But if you just got here from Mexico, you can ignore them.

Council votes to subsidize illegal ammo sales

City requires reporting lost or stolen firearms and identifying ammo buyers.

Or alternately, now it’s against the law to break an existing law. Is that illegal – illegal? I guess the Sacramento city coucil figures that a criminal (i.e., one who does not follow the rules) wouldn’t dare break two laws at a time. Or maybe it is mearly a step in the plan to bankrupt all the local gun shops. Unfortunately, this type of legislation has become the darling of cities throughout Kaliforniastan.

The Ventura County Star says it’s a great idea and it’s a stupid idea.

Aimed fire vs. Point shooting

This video from back in July of some guy taking pot-shots at his lawyer is the answer the to the great and tired “point shooting vs. aimed shooting” debate.

Video Here

It looks like point shooting isn’t getting the job done there. There are legitimate applications for point shooting, but come on. Six shots, not a single one produced a stop. Kudos to the lawyer for being on the dodge.

On a humorous note, watching a lawyer dodge bullets is always funny.

(crossposted at WWJWD)

Update: I am severely off my game today – after listening to the video in its entirity, apparently the lawyer was hit several times.  He walked away, and apparently collapsed shortly thereafter.

Thus, this becomes a two-fold lesson – lesson 1: Use enough gun.  Lesson 2: Aimed fire is still better than point shooting.

Straw purchaser makes straw man argument

Steve Bailey, the reporter under investigation for allegedly using a straw purchase to attack the firearm industry is now trying to take apart the SAF.

Regular readers know I am being investigated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. This silly flap grows out of a column I wrote nearly two years ago about buying a handgun at a New Hampshire gun show. Gottlieb and like-minded gun fanatics went into spasms a few weeks ago after the column came up again on local radio. Gottlieb wrote my boss, Globe Editor Marty Baron, demanding I be fired, and asked the ATF to investigate his allegation that I was guilty of an illegal “straw” purchase of a handgun.

It is galling, to say the least, to be falsely accused of a felony by a convicted felon. But that is where we are.

There is no denial of the charge of course, just an attack against his accusers.

SayUncle Adds: Lots of info here. And other prior coverage of alleged journalist and alleged gun criminal Steve Bailey can be found here.

Global Warming?

It seems that NASA had a Y2K error that distorted its climate data – now corrected. 1998 was not the warmest year of the last century, but rather 1934. Five of the ten warmest years on record were before WW2.

Michelle Malkin has the full story.

 I guess my beachfront-to-be property in Idaho is worth a little less now.


Seems ATF has revised 4473 regarding mentally defective. No doubt due to the VA Tech shooting. Notice changes:

Section A

Question 11.f. The revised question reads as follows:

“Have you ever been adjudicated mentally defective (which includes a determination by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority that you are a danger to yourself or to others or are incompetent to manage your own affairs) OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?”


Both “Adjudicated as a Mental Defective” and “Committed to a Mental Institution” as defined in 27 CFR 478.11 were added to the Definitions section,

The definition of “Misdemeanor Climes of Domestic Violence” was revised to include “tribal” offenses committed under “tribal law” in order to incorporate the provisions of the Violence Against Women Act and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 (P. L. 109-162).

The notice of the clarification was covered before.

When nail guns are outlawed …

… only outlaws will have nail guns.

Bruce has an example of the kind of anti gun attitude that plagues the New Jersey media, and suggests that perhaps it could one day require licenses to own nail guns.

UPDATE: Correction from earlier posting, where I thought Bruce was quoting from the article.   The fact that I was easily convinced New Jersey would already regulate nail guns shows that Bruce is indeed correct that it’s just not that far from reality.

Eating Popcorn

While sitting on the sidelines watching the economy shudder under the weight of a collapsing housing market, overvalued mortgage-backed securities, over-expansion of credit, asset bubbles, the unwinding of the carry trade, peak oil, and possibly the golden days of a gilded age, the Mortgage Lender Implode-O-Meter has birthed an offspring.

Hedge fund Implode-O-Meter, currently reporting a tally of eleven major global hedge funds who bet on the wrong side of reality.

 I’ve watched the mortgage company tally rise from 11 to a current total of 115 since the New Year – not quite one a day.

Of course few of us are directly affected when a mortgage company goes under. We still have to pay the bill each month, just to someone new who buys up the debt.

But when a hedge fund goes under, it takes with it the savings and investments of many of us, probably unknowingly ’til it is too late. Pension funds, college endowments and others that manage our money invest heavily in these funds.

Now, according to most mainstream media, all is well with the economy. Even the President was wheeled out yesterday to say so himself. He said there was enough liquidity in the markets for a correction. He didn’t say what type of correction.

Hey – I’m an optimistic type. I just want to make sure that people are aware of the big economic picture. Take a few minutes to think about where your savings are and what risks you are comfortable with. Silver is cheap right now, too.

Then, when you feel comfortable, pull up a chair and watch the pillars shake.

FBI recovers rare gun

The feebs recovered a breech loading carbine, originally made for Emperor Napolean III in the 1800’s from a collector in San Antonio. The collector was unaware that the rifle had been stolen from the French during World War II. However, that’s not the funny part.

This is the funny part.

According to the FBI, the French government contacted the FBI after learning it was for sale on the Internet.

Wow. That’s some great legwork there, FBI. It’s only funny because if you read the article in its entirity, the FBI agent at the end who gives a statement makes it sound like this was a complicated investigation; as opposed to what actually happened – some dork asnwered a phone call from France.

I am glad that the French were able to retrieve one of their cultural artifacts, however I hope that they paid the previous owner for the rifle and didn’t just take it from him.

Edit: Eye kan spel gud.

Busy and gone

I’m busy. Soon, I’ll be packing. So, light blogging & stuff. Guest bloggers, it’s your show. I’ll leave you with two bits:

1 – Mr. C. has an update the Gun Blogger Rendezvous:

It is really important that you get your room reservations made at the Circus Circus right away, and that you send in your registration for the Rendezvous ASAP, so we can plan for the correct number of attendees.

2 – The funny received in email by tgirsch:

Wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers, unless Crackers was her dog

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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