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Breaking news

This just in, criminals kill other criminals:

A spike in murders in many cities is claiming a startling number of victims with criminal records, police say, suggesting that drug and gang wars are behind the escalating violence.


In Baltimore, about 91 percent of murder victims this year had criminal records, up from 74 percent a decade ago, police reported. In many cases, says Frederick Bealefeld III, Baltimore’s interim police commissioner, victims’ rap sheets provide critical links to potential suspects in botched drug deals or violent territorial disputes.

Philadelphia Police Capt. Ben Naish says the Baltimore numbers are “shocking.” But Philadelphia also has seen the number of victims with criminal pasts inch up, to 75 percent this year from 71 percent in 2005, department statistics show.

In Milwaukee, the homicide commission was created after a spike in violence led to a 39 percent increase in homicides in 2005.

The commission, which compiled statistics on victims’ criminal histories for the first time, found that 77 percent of murder victims in the past two years had an average of nearly 12 arrests.

And in Newark, N.J., roughly 85 percent of homicide victims killed in the first six months of this year had criminal records, according to police statistics.

Clearly, it’s because of guns.

Via David.

7 Responses to “Breaking news”

  1. chris Says:

    And the problem with these pubic service killings is?

  2. Bruce Says:

    A spike in murders in many cities is claiming a startling number of victims with criminal records, police say, suggesting that drug and gang wars are behind the escalating violence.

    That’s got to be a typo. Boston Mayor Tom Menino says it’s the NRA that’s behind it all. And, he’d never lie to us, would he?

  3. Standard Mischief Says:

    Hmmm, should we graph the “spike in murders” to the proliferation of the police cameras?

    Baltimore CitiWatch 24 – 7 Believe

  4. _Jon Says:

    As I read that, I thought “criminal records” – I wonder what their crimes were.
    Sort of like; “Round up the usual suspects”.

  5. Rabbit Says:

    So, they’re trying to cut into the cottage industry of decent folks shooting and robbing drug dealers or something?


  6. Cactus Jack Says:

    “And the problem with these pubic service killings is?”

    No prob by me. One thing’s for sure, the offed crims wont be getting any more arrests on their records.

  7. joated Says:

    I guess that’s what happens when your prisons have revolving doors. More bad guys on the street to shoot.

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