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Show & Tell

Speaking of, Junior is doing show & tell at school. This week, she was to take something that started with the letter A. The Mrs. inquires about what would be a good thing to take. I reply with AR-15?

7 Responses to “Show & Tell”

  1. homebru Says:

    “A” is for ammendments. Illustrated by a copy of the Bill of Rights.

  2. homebru Says:

    Yes, I know that I can’t spell.

  3. Griff Says:

    A is for:

    Arms, (see right to keep and bear)
    Anit-rights (see Helmke, Paul)
    Asshole (but I repeat myself)

  4. Jay G. Says:

    I did the same thing with my son’s Kindergarten assignment for the letter “S”:

    Smith & Wesson
    Stag Arms
    Six shot revolver

    Yeah, Mrs. G. was none too pleased with my “assistance”…

  5. guy Says:

    I seriously doubt they’d let a kid into school with a firearm.

    “A” is for ANFO. obviously.

    Just make sure to bring enough for everyone.

  6. KCSteve Says:

    “A is for Ammo” could be fun.

    Either make or acquire one of those nifty displays of different caliber ammunition. Assuming you clear it with the school first (so you get it back) you could probably borrow one from a local gun store.

  7. Linoge Says:

    Definitely feeling the “Amendment” angle. Of course, these days, you would probably be accused of hate speech if you tried to bring a poster-sized version of them to the school.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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