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Herb Moncier’s tactics in the Sunshine lawsuit closing

I am watching on television the Sunshine lawsuit closing from Herb Moncier. Moncier is using a computer with pictures of Knox County Commissioners and former Commissioners. Each photo has been photoshopped to show cartoon balloons filed with quotes from prior testimony.

I am surprised that Chancellor Fansler has allowed this. It makes his court look like a farce. But on the other hand it is a powerful tool for Moncier to humiliate those Commissioners. These are still photos so some of the facial expressions really make these people look dumb.

Moncier has just made the claim, “They stole your government.” Moncier is even making the Knoxville News Sentinel reporters look foolish. I am surprised Rick Hollow doesn’t have a problem with this cute tactic. It must be difficult to be on the same side of the table with Herb Moncier.

This is on now on Comcast cable channel 21 and Charter cable channel 10.

3 Responses to “Herb Moncier’s tactics in the Sunshine lawsuit closing”

  1. #9 Says:

    Moncier is gilding the lily. If there is a jury nullification, an OJ, it will be because of Moncier. This is a buffoonish closing. Apparently Moncier is not familiar with the KISS method.

  2. #9 Says:

    You will not believe this, Moncier just invoke the Posse Comitatus act in his closing. I hope someone is taping this whole thing.

  3. # 9 Says:

    Between Fansler’s jury instructions and the two closing statements from Herb Moncier I would hate to be a juror for this trial.

    Even Rick Hollow, who is one of the best on the Sunshine Law, had a lengthy and confusing closing.

    John Owings had a simple short closing.

    From the evidence the jury should walk in to deliberation, get some coffee and snacks, hang around for a few hours and come back with a verdict for the Knoxville News Sentinel and the nine citizens.

    I don’t know if that will happen. There was some clumsy courtroom behavior today. I feel pretty sure the KNS will get the verdict. I wouldn’t bet on it.

    But after today anything could happen. If this jury nullifies the verdict the ripples will be felt across the state.

    I think it is only a matter of time before the Sunshine Law is revised in Nashville.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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