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Fat people are next

Told you this would happen. Only in Crazy Cali.

Lawmakers in two California cities are casting votes this month on unprecedented legislation that would widen a growing voluntary movement by landlords and resident associations to ban smoking inside apartments and condos.

Today in Calabasas, the City Council plans to vote on expanding its anti-smoking law to bar renters from lighting up inside existing apartments. It would exempt current resident smokers until they moved but would require all new buildings with at least 15 units, including condos, to be smoke-free.

I thought you owned a condo? Guess not.

6 Responses to “Fat people are next”

  1. #9 Says:

    Wonder what the medical marijuana people have to say? This will be a war.

  2. Rabbit Says:

    When my dad sold his house and moved into a ‘seniors complex’, a fancy name for a fourplex for old folks, he did nothing but sit around on the sofa all day and smoke. Of course, that’s really all he could do at the time, as he was parked in the afterlife’s waiting room. The apartment administration kept coming to him and threatening eviction because his chainsmoking was leeching through the walls and attics of the other 3 units and bothered the other tenants. They even went so far as to begin legal action to ‘force him to not smoke inside’. Of course, he was largely immobile from failing to rehab from two hip fractures and end stage lung cancer.

    He only lived there about 18 months, and when he kicked off we ended up putting all his furniture in the dumpster due to the smoke and tar residue.

    Yes, his home health aides bought his cigs for him. Yes, I had long discussions with them as well as their supervisors. Twice, in fact, because I fired the first home health agency. The second agency did the same. He smoked until he went into hospice and on oxygen.


  3. DirtCrashr Says:

    Yeh we do own a condo…

  4. Cactus Jack Says:

    It just goes to show you that the “lawmakers” in Kalifornistan want to run EVERY aspect of people’s lives. Like we needed more proof.

    They have no problem with naked bicycle races in San Fagcisco but OMG, someone might want to smoke a cigarette!

    I am sooooo glad I left that zoo when I retired.

  5. Linoge Says:

    You have no idea how much I am looking forward to escaping this hellhole. The scenery is great. The weather is decent (I honestly miss thunderstorms.). But holy flying Christ, the lawmakers, people, and government here just straight-up suck. Like jump-start a Hoover suck.

    Contrary to the seemingly popular belief, the government has no business in my home. If said home is rented, the legal owners can impose whatever rules they desire, and I can tell them to pack sand and move somewhere else if I want. But if I own the space, I owned the damn space, and bugger off.

  6. straightarrow Says:

    I find this extremely hypocritical when those same lawmakers poisoned two cities, spraying extremely dangerous insecticide on every home,car, cat, dog and person to kill two fucking Mediterranean Fruit Flies. Over and above the protests and legal actions taken to stop it.

    No damn wonder they want to disarm everybody, the sonsofbitches know what they deserve.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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