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Selected not elected

So, I have been remiss in mentioning that Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for, err, I don’t know why. I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before the Supreme Court gives it to Bush.

6 Responses to “Selected not elected”

  1. #9 Says:

    God I hope so. I need a good laugh.

  2. _Jon Says:

    Well, one did nothing for peace and the other brought war to two lands.

    I guess it would be appropriate.

    Maybe this is a case for the International Criminal Court.
    Perhaps we could get a UN resolution …. or 14.

  3. Jeff in Franklin Says:

    Ol’ Al won his Nobel peace prize for his research into climate change. Of course most of his research is as bogus as OJ’s attempts to find Nicole’s killer on all of Florida’s golf courses.

    If flawed research alone is enough to win the Nobel peace prize then I need to be nominated for my research into attempting to improve the gene pool by seeking to find the most perfect example of the female body. My library consists of all the internet porn sites.

    What do you think? Anyone willing to nominate me?

  4. Xrlq Says:

    I’ll nominate you. If Gore can win a prize by pointing out other people’s research, why shouldn’t you get just as much credit for pointing out people’s nudie pics? By giving every horny guy the opportunity to fantasize about making love rather than actually making war, naked chick pics can do a hell of a lot more to promote world peace than anything anyone has ever said about global warming, one way or the other.

  5. # 9 Says:

    First time in history someone won the Nobel Prize for a PowerPoint presentation.

  6. Dan Says:

    If Gore made it into a music video, maybe the queen of england will give him a knighthood also.

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