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Hunting age

See, here I thought that lowering the hunting age was so that parents and kids could enjoy an outdoor activity together. Little did I know it was all a conspiracy propagated by The Triangle of Death to get kids hooked on guns at an early age. I love the use of addiction language too.

As a Proud Member of The Triangle of Death, I must have missed that copy of my marching orders.

6 Responses to “Hunting age”

  1. triticale Says:

    Well, here in SE Wisconsin, the evil loophole gunshows are run by the Take A Kid Hunting Foundation.

  2. Kevin Baker Says:

    I must have missed that copy of my marching orders.

    It’s in paragraph 12, subsection B of my copy.

  3. ka Says:

    My wife originally didn’t want the kids to have any toy guns. She eventually gave up when they started building their own out of paper towel tubes, legos and anything else they could find. Now my wife and I have CCLs and my 7 year old knows how to shoot a .22 :-).

  4. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    She eventually gave up when they started building their own out of paper towel tubes, legos and anything else they could find.

    Metal coat hangers were may favorite growing up. (They do have a premade trigger after-all).

  5. workinwifdakids Says:

    “Rimfire: A Gateway Cartridge”

  6. Gunner Says:

    I got my memo.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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