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Fred Thompson on Gun Control

Seen at The Gun Nut:

So now the UN wants to disarm civilians? Where was the UN when the massacres in Rwanda occurred? What did the UN do to protect the victims of ethnic massacres in Bosnia? Disarming civilians under the guise of international human rights law will only lead to more such genocides by ensuring that civilians can never defend themselves! It would be funny if it weren’t so perverse.

I will say this for Thompson: well played. Here’s why. Without saying the stuff that scares white people, he addresses the reasons for the second amendment that often do scare white people. He does so by addressing self-defense as a natural right and genocide. But he did so without all that stuff gun nuts tend to talk about (sovereignty, shooting the bastards, etc.) that scares the white people. It’s well-played because it reaches out to gun nuts and to regular folks who understand that self-defense is good.

9 Responses to “Fred Thompson on Gun Control”

  1. Clint Says:

    At the risk of jumping on one of your political posts like a “Ronulan,” I will say that all along Fred has shown himself be the one who really “get’s it” when it comes to gun ownership. He has frequented gun shows during his campaign, he has written numerous blogs at NRO and has hosted a charity skeet shooting event in TN for some years now. He’s not a poser like most of the others.

    Here’s a couple links that first got me interested in Thompson:

    Charity Skeet Shooting
    Gun Free Zones

  2. Clint Says:

    I’ll try that second one again

    Gun Free Zones

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, i’ve mentioned fred on guns quite a few times

  4. Ron W Says:

    I would like to hear Fred say that he opposes a new AWB and would veto it if a new one passed. (Bush has promised to sign a new one)

    I would like to hear Fred say what 2nd Amendment-violating laws he would seek to repeal.

    I would like to hear Fred say he would seek to eliminate the BATFE (as does Ron Paul) and re-assign them to the Border Patrol with orders to REVERSE the Bush Adminsitration’s refusal “to protect the States against invasion” as MANDATED by Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution.

  5. Call me Ahab » Blog Archive » Fred on Guns Says:

    […] Via Uncle. So now the UN wants to disarm civilians? Where was the UN when the massacres in Rwanda occurred? What did the UN do to protect the victims of ethnic massacres in Bosnia? Disarming civilians under the guise of international human rights law will only lead to more such genocides by ensuring that civilians can never defend themselves! It would be funny if it weren’t so perverse. […]

  6. straightarrow Says:

    What is this crap everyone keeps calling for of reassigning ATF to the Border Patrol. They have already proven their lack of integrity or anything resembling decent character. They do not belong in LE, period. Send them home. Give them remedial training and let them work in another sector of our society.

    I mean how long can it take to teach to say “Want fries with that?”

  7. Cactus Jack Says:

    straightarrow Says:

    October 30th, 2007 at 11:42 am
    What is this crap everyone keeps calling for of reassigning ATF to the Border Patrol. They have already proven their lack of integrity or anything resembling decent character. They do not belong in LE, period. Send them home. Give them remedial training and let them work in another sector of our society.

    I mean how long can it take to teach to say “Want fries with that?”

    I’m with straightarrow on this. Put the BATF bastards out on the street JOBLESS! Like they did to way too many honest and legitimate gun store owners and employees.

  8. LibertyPlease Says:

    Put the BATF bastards out on the street JOBLESS!

    You’re more generous than I’d be. They deserve criminal sanctions for their crimes (Ruby Ridge, Waco, etc) and for their treasonous assualt on our liberties.

  9. Cactus Jack Says:

    LibertyPlease Says:

    October 30th, 2007 at 3:24 pm
    Put the BATF bastards out on the street JOBLESS!

    “You’re more generous than I’d be. They deserve criminal sanctions for their crimes (Ruby Ridge, Waco, etc) and for their treasonous assualt on our liberties.”

    I’m for that too but you and I know it would never happen, especially to the higher ups that gave the orders.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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