Since the mainstream media elite and their talking heads for news and opinion are, like all the “top-tier” political establishment candidates, members of the CFR, they are generally going to ignore, lampoon or villify Paul because of his message. He is a Constitutionalist who is for ALL of the Bill of Rights and, most offensive to them, he doesn’t bow down before their altars of globalism and multi-culturalism.
Also take a look at the bigger picture within the debates. When was the last time that FOX NEWS covered any of the third party debates? When did they pay attention to the green parties views, or their candidate?
The problem is not so much with the media, but the people that have allowed them to create the dominant two party system while silencing any opposition to the norm. It is very easy for people to try and dismiss a candidate by saying “his supporters are crazy”, “they are all Nazi’s”, but the fact is Americans (no thanks to public education) for the most part are smarter than that.
As far as fear you can watch the youtube video’s and judge for yourself, while they show the censorship, disregard, and dislike of Dr. Paul, but they cant understand why sometimes his supporters have to get rowdy to be heard and even rowdier when they are defending Dr. Paul against a blatant lie. The latest in the blasting of Dr. Paul came with this article from the FOX ELITE NEWS in which they try and say that emails sent by BOTS have skewed online poll results. One big problem for that theory is that there have been no email polls taken that I am aware of, but this doesn’t stop them from trying to sell the public that Dr. Paul is less of a candidate and his supporters are all hackers that skew poll results, and this came after trying to say that the left was voting for Dr. Paul in the same debates to skew the results, but the one thing they cant hack, skew, or otherwise make untrue is the financial support as well as campaign support from his faithful. I would have to say that they are afraid, and it is really starting to show.
Rob Paul is a virtual candidate, and by that I mean that there is an illusion of support in teh interwebs because his supporters are loud (and not above spamming — with real spam tools.) Rob Paul is the new Y2K.
November 1st, 2007 at 9:25 am
November 1st, 2007 at 11:39 am
Since the mainstream media elite and their talking heads for news and opinion are, like all the “top-tier” political establishment candidates, members of the CFR, they are generally going to ignore, lampoon or villify Paul because of his message. He is a Constitutionalist who is for ALL of the Bill of Rights and, most offensive to them, he doesn’t bow down before their altars of globalism and multi-culturalism.
November 1st, 2007 at 12:20 pm
Also take a look at the bigger picture within the debates. When was the last time that FOX NEWS covered any of the third party debates? When did they pay attention to the green parties views, or their candidate?
The problem is not so much with the media, but the people that have allowed them to create the dominant two party system while silencing any opposition to the norm. It is very easy for people to try and dismiss a candidate by saying “his supporters are crazy”, “they are all Nazi’s”, but the fact is Americans (no thanks to public education) for the most part are smarter than that.
As far as fear you can watch the youtube video’s and judge for yourself, while they show the censorship, disregard, and dislike of Dr. Paul, but they cant understand why sometimes his supporters have to get rowdy to be heard and even rowdier when they are defending Dr. Paul against a blatant lie. The latest in the blasting of Dr. Paul came with this article from the FOX ELITE NEWS in which they try and say that emails sent by BOTS have skewed online poll results. One big problem for that theory is that there have been no email polls taken that I am aware of, but this doesn’t stop them from trying to sell the public that Dr. Paul is less of a candidate and his supporters are all hackers that skew poll results, and this came after trying to say that the left was voting for Dr. Paul in the same debates to skew the results, but the one thing they cant hack, skew, or otherwise make untrue is the financial support as well as campaign support from his faithful. I would have to say that they are afraid, and it is really starting to show.,2933,307056,00.html
November 1st, 2007 at 1:07 pm
A bunch of $20 haircuts on $2 heads … and they’re spooked.
November 1st, 2007 at 1:09 pm
Rob Paul is a virtual candidate, and by that I mean that there is an illusion of support in teh interwebs because his supporters are loud (and not above spamming — with real spam tools.) Rob Paul is the new Y2K.