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Another quote for today

Bill Richardson:

I resent some elites telling me my position on gun control is wrong, for example. It’s a cultural issue in New Mexico and the West, a respect for a way of life. Most gun owners are law-abiding. I’m not going to change my position. That’s where I may deviate from others in my party, too, the elites on the coasts. I have very common tastes.

6 Responses to “Another quote for today”

  1. blackfork Says:

    Can we quit calling these racist, statist, blind socialist, bureacratic enabling, genocidal maniacs ELITES?

    Cannibal, albino, one-armed Neanderthals had more sense and better manners.

  2. straightarrow Says:

    Pretty hard to realistically argue with either Richardson or Blackfork.

  3. straightarrow Says:

    However, I suspect Richardson was using term “elite” in the same manner most of us do. Believing it to be understood that we mean “self-anointed elite” or the power elite, the latter of which is, unfortunately, correct.

  4. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    SA pretty much nails it. Funny how so many ostensibly open minded folks dismiss me as a bloodthirsty knuckledragger simply because I refuse to make myself an easy victim.

  5. blackfork Says:

    I’m going to start thinking of gun owners as enlightened, transcendant, visionary “elites” and non-Second Amendment folks as ludditted, sheep-perfumed, slope-browed, genetic dimwitted throwbacks.

    I hope they have had their shots, but I’m no longer going to count on it. I’m going to start wearing a face mask, spraying Pinesol, and frantically rubbing hand sanitizer on my paws after exposure to one. When they talk, I’m going to peer into their mouth like I am looking for headlights at the end of a long, dark tunnel.

    We’re related to Jefferson, Sophocles, York, Teddy R, Washington, and the Dahli Lahma. They are cousins to Pol pot, Jack the Ripper, Hitler, Stalin and Idi Amin.

  6. doug in Colorado Says:

    Saying it’s a part of the culture of New Mexico or the western states is a falsehood. The RKBA is a fundamental part of the American culture in all fifty states…some have just forgotten or deliberately buried it.
    That’s like saying the second amendment only means hunters can have guns…it’s a false qualification.

    Richardson is not to be trusted.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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