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PGP in the news

Pro gun liberal Sebastian is in the news.

3 Responses to “PGP in the news”

  1. bret Says:

    Just goes to prove, gun owners should never have allowed ANY type of permit process to begin with. And the Maryland’s permit process is one the NRA supports hole-heartedly.

    A##holes like those in the Maryland State Police licensing division should be dragged into the street and shot.

    There’s a death threat for them, but they are already armed to the teeth. And attempting to limit a man’s basic human rights, THEY SHOULD BE.

  2. Sebastian Says:

    Bret…. you have no idea what the hell you’re talking about. Maryland’s restrictive licensing is exactly the kind of process the NRA has been actively trying to do away with, and has accomplished doing away with in 38 other states.

  3. Sebastian Says:

    You know, I hate being NRA’s cheerleader, but honestly, there’s more bullshit floating around out there generated by our own side than there is by Sarah Brady and her organization.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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