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Ain’t that the truth

The Journalist’s Guide to Gun Violence Coverage

2 Responses to “Ain’t that the truth”

  1. straightarrow Says:

    It sure is. I know it was supposed to be satire, but it seems possible to me that he just lifted the Procedures Manual from some media outlet.

  2. # 9 Says:

    As reported:

    Witnesses described the gun as a 50 caliber fully automatic black assault rifle capable of bringing down a Boeing 747.

    What really happened:

    Little Johnny McCluskey tried to shot a bird off his neighbor Maud Perkins’ roof with his Daisy BB gun. But the spring was old and the BB fell off course and went through Mrs. Perkins kitchen window. Johnny apologized and will pay for the window from his monthly allowance.

    Johnny McCluskey is eight years old.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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