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That explains it

See, the left thinks they’re centrist. I’m moderate on lots of issues and right and left on many issues. I do not think I am a centrist but at least I have the mental capacity to understand that.

4 Responses to “That explains it”

  1. DirtCrashr Says:

    They are central to their own echo-chamber is about it. The fact that they think the Free-market means FREEmarket is a bit disturbing but it’s clear their knowledge of economics is deeply clouded by Marxist philosophy that pretends to be about economics when it’s about envy and distribution.

  2. Cactus Jack Says:

    “I am a Centrist. I believe the Democratic Party is a centrist Party. I wish the Democratic Party would fight for its centrist ideals. Like ending the the war in Iraq. Like not going to war in Iran. Like bringing balance to our tax system by reversing the extreme and radical Bush tax cuts. Like doing something about global warming. Like protecting equal rights for all Americans. Like protecting the right to choose. Like offering health care to all Americans. And so on. These Democratic principles stand in the center of American public opinion, held by a strong majority of Americans.”

    LOL! That’s left wing socialist libfag spewing if I ever saw it. If this cull thinks what he says is “centralist” then WTF is a leftist view like?

  3. straightarrow Says:

    His next step, maybe, Cactus? With millions of disagreeable dead.

  4. anon Says:

    “WTF is a leftist view like?”

    Green Party. Ralph Nader. Look ’em up.

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