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Gun rights in VA

Surface to air missiles for home defense?

4 Responses to “Gun rights in VA”

  1. Cactus Jack Says:

    “Maybe not require. That would be heavy-handed government intrusion in our personal lives, which we oppose. But allow us a choice to own a surface-to-air missile to protect our family and home from evildoers? Count us in. At least give us the option. Talk about enlightened and progressive public policy.”

    “Enlightened” to the demlibs is “do it OUR way, we know what’s best”.

    “Progressive” is taking away our rights for our own good.

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    Who needs SAMs when you can have NNS?

  3. blackfork Says:

    Over the top. Just because I want an AR now I lusting after SAMS?

    What happened to my nukes?

  4. Cactus Jack Says:

    “Who needs SAMs when you can have NNS?”

    WTF? They didnt have a 1-800 number! I want one!

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