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Heller in the NYT

The paper of record editorializes against gun rights. This article came pre-fisked.

3 Responses to “Heller in the NYT”

  1. Cactus Jack Says:

    “The hope, which we share, is that the court will rise above the hard-right ideology of some justices to render a decision respectful of the Constitution’s text and the violent consequences of denying government broad room to regulate guns. The fear is that it will not.”

    Honoring ” the right of the people to keep and bear arms” would be a decision respectful of the Constitution’s text.

    “Beyond grappling with fairly esoteric arguments about the Second Amendment, the justices need to responsibly confront modern-day reality”

    I hope they do too because modern day reality, something that libs are clueless about, shows that restrictions on firearms do NOTHING to curb crime.

    ” A decision that upends needed gun controls currently in place around the country would imperil the lives of Americans”

    That might be true if all Americans who practice their second ammendment rights were psycos, like Jayne Lynn Stahl would have the country believe, but we’re not. The only lives that would be “imperiled” would be that of criminals.

  2. CTD Says:

    like the trigger gaurds

    I do not think that word means what they think it means. 🙂

  3. Xrlq Says:

    Appellate courts followed that interpretation, until last spring’s departure.

    Translation: who/what the hell is Emerson?

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