The present court doesn’t exactly overwhelm one with confidence. The Left side who believes international law should be used to interpret US law makes me panic right away. Then there is the fence sitter Kennedy, who will qualify his part of the finding to the point of muddying the waters even more.
I’m sure the right will give us exactly what we believe, but the majority doesn’t guarantee that this will come out the way that would support what we gunnies desire.
Not to mention the fact that all these lawyers are involved really makes me worried. When it comes to saying something and meaning something completely different there is nothing like a lawyer.
November 21st, 2007 at 5:36 pm
Yes, nervous.
The present court doesn’t exactly overwhelm one with confidence. The Left side who believes international law should be used to interpret US law makes me panic right away. Then there is the fence sitter Kennedy, who will qualify his part of the finding to the point of muddying the waters even more.
I’m sure the right will give us exactly what we believe, but the majority doesn’t guarantee that this will come out the way that would support what we gunnies desire.
Not to mention the fact that all these lawyers are involved really makes me worried. When it comes to saying something and meaning something completely different there is nothing like a lawyer.