The Gun Blogs
Yes, I know The Gun Blogs are down. My people are working on it.
We’re the only ones, err, chicks and guns. Oh, forget it. At least she doesn’t have her booger hook on the bang switch.
As we all know, STI recently stopped selling weapons to law enforcement in California (good for them!). Now, Larry Correia is running a group buy to reward good behavior:
This is how it works. Pick any gun and options at and then e-mail me at larry AT for a quote. We will arrange payment via e-mail. I can take checks, money orders, or credit cards.
I’m offering STI pistols at killer prices. By ordering them in bulk, I get a super discount, and I can pass that along to you.
Barrett also refuses to sell to Cali law enforcement.
State Sen. Tim Burchett wants to enact breed specific legislation mandating that pit bulls be spayed or neutered. The senator was also on the talk radio this morning saying that such programs in California have been successful. Unfortunately, such programs don’t exist in California as state law there prohibits breed specific legislation. It’s one area that Cali actually does correctly.
And breed specific laws are generally pointless for a variety of reasons, including:
Some breeds are hard to identify (pit bulls, for instance, refers to a class of dog and not a specific breed)
If a breed is regulated, people will just switch breeds
Pit bulls have a temperament rating similar to a Golden Retriever.
The factors that contribute to dog attacks occur irrespective of breed (see here and here). Those factors are, generally, the reproductive status of the animal (at least Burchett gets that part right); an animal that is not properly restrained; chained animals become defensive; and unsupervised pets and kids.
Update: Turns out, Cali does allow for spaying/neutering based on breed. I forgot about that. Cali still prohibits bans based on breeds, though.
That’s the lesson Robb is learning with respect to suppressors. I have a hard time understanding why he’d have to be fingerprinted four times. Here in Tennessee, LEO approval is required by law within 15 days unless you are a prohibited person. And you only get printed once.
Sebastian notes some bad stuff brewing in Pennsylvania:
* HB 18, which basically destroys our state’s preemption law
* HB 22, which limits gun purchases to one gun per month
* HB 29, which requires the reporting of a lost or stolen firearm to police under severe legal penalties. This bill has the potential to trap unaware gun owners who are victimized by crimes.
He says to write your reps.
In my brief lifetime, the popular icon of the American law enforcement officer has gone from Sheriff Andy Taylor to Special Agent Jack Bauer.
Where the f___ did we go wrong?
Reminds me of this bit by KTK a while back: Where Have You Gone, Sheriff Taylor?
Ya know, when the extra crispy variety of left leaning sorts and the right leaning libertarian sorts look at this issue and see the same result, it speaks volumes.
In Idaho. So, they get a ranking of F from The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership. And we all know the truth about their grades which is that high Brady grades correlate to increases in violent crime.
Update: Link fixed. Stupid copy and paste.
On the number of unlicensed vendors at gun shows:
The bottom line is that these people are brazen, unrepentant, blatant liars. Period.
Yes they are. That’s why we shouldn’t entrust them only to criminals and governments. But I repeat myself.
So, some of us gun bloggers are planning on meeting at the NRA convention in Louisville. Get thee hence and sign up to go. Should be some range time, new gizmos to ogle, and lots of fun.
BTW, thanks to Bitter who went above and beyond in putting this together.
It’s like pornography, I can’t define it but I’ll know it when I see it.
In which I remind casual readers that, yes, I really am a gun nut. Even though I don’t like scaring white people.
Breaking point seems to be the topic of debate on the gun blogs lately. Essentially, at what point is it time to shoot the bastards. As for me, I dunno. Joe lists examples that he thought would qualify, such as Ruby Ridge and Waco. I was a 20 year-old kid when those happened and only recall what I saw on TeeVee. And the revelations of the feds lying and being corrupt didn’t really come out until after these incidents were concluded. And, yes, the .gov got merely a slap on the wrist. But no such incident has happened since.
Sebastian says he’d hide is guns. Well, that’s great but you just got on the internet and told everybody that. And I know the feds read my site (hi, guys).
But the consensus among these two is that, generally, gun owners won’t do much. I dunno. First and foremost, I think the political process is working now. Most states have CCW, the JD has taken the individual right view of the second amendment, both houses of congress affirm that, and both political parties’ platforms in the last elections state that too. It’s not absolute victory but it shows that we’re heading the right direction. We’re winning*. So, first and foremost, gun owners should be active in the political process now. It’s not the 1990s any more. More importantly, the various anti-gun groups have about zero clout.
Chris disagrees that gun owners won’t do much. I tend to concur. Not all gun owners would but I think a substantial portion would.
As for me, what would I do? Turn them in. Ammo first.
* Update: note on we’re winning: except certain states (like NJ, NY, IL, CA, and MA) where it’s mostly hopeless.
Remember the reporter arrested for carrying a gun on school property and the video of the whole thing? Turns out, he wasn’t on school property. Charges have been dropped.
See, the left thinks they’re centrist. I’m moderate on lots of issues and right and left on many issues. I do not think I am a centrist but at least I have the mental capacity to understand that.
Reader Dale emails this letter to the editor:
Ijust (sic) wanted to say how much I liked the gun swap at the Convention Center on Saturday.
Over the last few years, I have bought several guns at shows for $15 to $20 each. Most were break-open shotguns or handguns that could no longer be fired but were good for spare parts. I turned in two Saturday and got $200 worth of free gas. Between the parts I sold and the turn-in, I cleared $185.
I would have turned in more guns, but I didn’t have time to get home and back before closing.
What a deal – free gas for the next month! Time to buy more cheap guns.
I’ve searched and cannot find the text of the Hughes Amendment to the FOPA. Anyone?
In countries where firearms suppressors are not regulated like machine guns are, they cost about $45USD.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday announced no action on a new case testing the meaning of the Second Amendment. The next date for possible action on it is likely to be November 26, following a pre-Thanksgiving Conference set for November 20.
So, today the Supreme Court should announce if it will hear the Parker/Heller case. I think they’ll take it but wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t. After all, they’re kinda skittish when it comes to anything controversial. If they don’t take the case, we win. If they do, we still could win.
Other thoughts:
Kevin says it’s for all the marbles and has a lot of good info. I think it’s going to be for only most of the marbles.
Counter notes that the SCOTUS has affirmed the right to arms before in Dredd Scott:
It would give to persons of the negro race, who were recognised as citizens in any one State of the Union, the right to . . . to keep and carry arms wherever they went.
Joe notes it could be a big day:
I agree with those that say, in essence, the U.S. Supreme Court cannot be counted to rule in any rational fashion. They will rule however they want to rule without regard to original intent. Oh, they will find something someplace to hang their decision on but if they will have no qualms about putting on the blinders and steadfastly ignore data that disagree with how they want to rule.
He has a lot more.
Can’t contest traffic tickets in DC. Of course, contesting them has been cost prohibitive for years in most places. Ya know, they could just put some credit card readers in the police cars. Sure, it’s still conviction without due process but it’s much less of a pain in the ass.
Shirley Katz, the teacher who wanted to carry a gun because of a fear of violence from her ex, lost her case.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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