Ammo For Sale

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OMG they’re actually selling ammo

So, someone sees that you can buy ammo at Wal-Mart. They don’t like seeing said perfectly lawful activity. So, they call their councilmonkey:

Cook said he checked a pawn shop on Shirley Lane and found ammu­nition available.

Wow. Someone selling ammo. Amazing!

The shocking thing is that this occurred in Alabama.

15 Responses to “OMG they’re actually selling ammo”

  1. Bitter Says:

    Here’s the part I find amusing:

    Cook said he was concerned about how easy it was to obtain bullets.

    “They have guns, they should make it harder to get ammuni­tion,” Cook said. “People should not have easy access to ammuni­tion.”

    So is this the new line of the anti-gunners? Sure, we have a right to bear arms, just not the ammunition for the arms!

    Hey, if this Supreme Court thing doesn’t work out for them, they might consider it.

  2. Ron W Says:

    Since when should we not have access the means to exercise a right???

  3. Gmac Says:

    Didn’t one of the more liberal NE Senators make the same attempts back in the 80’s and pretty much had the same results this clown will?

  4. ben Says:

    I thought I read somewhere that among the proposals to limit ammo, they wanted anyone holding more than 100 primers to have to register their “ammo”. I’m sure that what they really want is to ban primers, but this is a step in the right direction for “sensible” gun legislation.

    Speaking of which, the terms adopted by the left to describe themselves (progressive) and what they want to do (sensible) are really starting to grate.

  5. # 9 Says:

    The South has been invaded again, this time by idiots.

  6. HerrBGone Says:

    #9, sad to say, but I think they’re pretty much everywhere these days.

  7. Cactus Jack Says:

    Hell, I remember that back in the 1960s you could buy ammo in hardware stores.

    Today’s “progresive’ and “sensible” (LOL!) types would’ve shit seeing me, a 10 year old, buying a brick of .22 long rifle at a hardware store with my .22 rifle strapped to the handlebars of my bicycle which was parked outside the store. Ah, the good old days….

  8. Gunstar1 Says:

    Speaking of hardware stores and ammo, I recently went into an Ace hardware that was in a small town and they had ammo for sale. I was fairly shocked. No guns, just an end (of an isle) cap of ammo.

  9. straightarrow Says:

    The best selection of ammo in a small town near me is in a hardware store, they have a super walmart in town.

  10. straightarrow Says:

    But the hardware store beats ’em.

  11. Cactus Jack Says:

    straightarrow Says:

    December 3rd, 2007 at 5:51 pm
    The best selection of ammo in a small town near me is in a hardware store, they have a super walmart in town.

    We have a super wally world in my town too but I seldom go there. I dont like wally world.

  12. JKB Says:

    The ban ammunition argument is coming but I was heartened to see this footnote from a Tennessee Supreme Court ruling in a recent paper by Glenn Reynolds:

    Id. at 156 (3 Heisk. at 182). The court also found certain penumbral aspects to the right to keep
    and bear arms:
    The right to keep arms, necessarily involves the right to purchase them, to keep
    them in a state of efficiency for use, and to purchase and provide ammunition suitable for
    such arms, and to keep them in repair. And clearly for this purpose, a man would have
    the right to carry them to and from his home, and no one could claim that the Legislature
    had the right to punish him for it, without violating this clause of the Constitution.
    But farther than this, it must be held, that the right to keep arms involves,
    necessarily, the right to use such arms for all the ordinary purposes, and in all the
    ordinary modes usual in the country, and to which arms are adapted, limited by the duties
    of a good citizen in times of peace; that in such use, he shall not use them for violation of
    the rights of others, or the paramount rights of the community of which he makes a part.

    Forthcoming in Tennessee Law Review Vol. 75:1 (Fall 2007) )

    Seems at least on court has looked at what the right to bear arms actually encompasses. We can hope the US Supreme Court will likewise view the right to bear arms as encompassing the right to ammunition, transport, and practice.

  13. Linoge Says:

    When I lived in Mississippi (do not ask), I rather enjoyed being able to go to the SuperWalmart down the road and get dinner, a movie or two, some clothes, and ammunition for my 9mm. It was, by far, the cheapest place in town for pistol rounds, though I did not have my rifle then, so I am not sure about that count.

    Of course, now that I am trapped in Kalifornistan, I have to drive 30 minutes out of my way to find ammunition, at 10-15% higher prices. I love this state. Really.

  14. Robert Says:

    The whole freaking American country is infected with “There oughtta be a law!” and ” You can’t do that!!!” these days. There’s no cure.

  15. DirtCrashr Says:

    Morons. The local WalMArt keeps the rifle and pistol ammo behind a case here in NorCal, but the big-box-o’ shotgun-fun stuff would take up too much space, so it’s left out on shelves – but try to “freelance Socialist” and grab one of those puppies. it’s harder to steal than a 12-pack of Bud or whatnot – just doesn’t happen. Freakin retards.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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