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Oh, Canada

Stuff you can’t make up:

Ottawa is facing a multimillion-dollar bill to find work for border guards who can’t – or won’t – carry guns, newly released documents show.

Or, you know, you fire them.

But an internal analysis indicates that between 25 and 30 per cent of those guards will be unable or unwilling to carry sidearms – as many as 1,440 employees.

Fire them.

The agency has agreed in principle to accommodate guards who prefer work that does not require sidearms, or who fail the training program because of physical problems, such as poor vision.

Fire them.

There’s a name for unarmed guards: witnesses.

10 Responses to “Oh, Canada”

  1. Less Says:

    Here, let me fix that for you:

    “There’s a name for unarmed guards: victim.

  2. tgirsch Says:

    There’s a name for unarmed guards: bouncers.

  3. Kirk Says:

    Dammit. Less beat me to it…


  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    Does “the unemployed” constitute a victim-status and welfare recipient in Canuckistan? Sheesh, liberals.

  5. J T Bolt Says:

    Fire them? They are public servants that took an oath. Maybe try jailing them for dereliction of duty.

    Or they can avoid prison by, from this point forward, you know, doing their JOB!

  6. guy Says:

    There’s a name for unarmed guards: witnesses/victims/bouncers

    There’s the old saw about being “either part of the solution, part of the problem, or part of the scenery”. Sorry, but if you’re a border guard with eyesight too bad to fire a gun, you might as well be landscape.

    Jeez, Barney Fife would be embarrassed.

  7. Jim W Says:

    Unless the bodyguards customarily stand shoulder to shoulder along the entire border, you would think eyesight would be an important skill for a border guard to have.

  8. ben Says:

    What’s really funny is that they went so long without firearms.

    To be honest, the border guards signed up for a job that would only involve making sure polite Canadians paid their tariffs/duty on contraband cheese and Gap clothing. Now that they add the guns to the mix, well, they didn’t sign up for that. Let ’em go push pencils in the office.

  9. Lyle Says:

    That begs the question; how many of their soldiers are unwilling to carry weapons.

    And; How long would a private business last if it spent millions trying to find a use for useless employees? (dumb question, I know– a government doesn’t have to produce anything. It’s mainly a sophisticated form of welfare. On that note, I’ve often commented that we’d be better off paying certain people to stay OFF the job than to be paying them AND allowing them screw things up.)

  10. Cactus Jack Says:

    “There’s a name for unarmed guards: USELESS”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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