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Beer Bleg

For a friend. But where in Knoxville can one get Lowenbrau?

4 Responses to “Beer Bleg”

  1. # 9 Says:

    Used to be able to at Krogers. Maybe Food City.

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    Haven’t seen Lion’s Brew in years. It used to be everywhere.

    Warsteiner would be a decent substitute.

  3. Phelps Says:

    Is this really a problem there? Hell, the Exxon around the corner from me carries it in Balch Springs.

  4. Ravenwood Says:

    Could try calling your local distributor. They should be able to tell you local retailers that sell it. We had to do that once when an Uncle came to visit and wanted Stroh’s (which was impossible to find at the time).

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