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Global Warming To Kill Off Red-Staters

As Les said: Sure, he believes that global warming may ravage the planet, but if it kills just 1 million red staters won’t it all be worth it?

Now, I’m no expert on climate and global warming. But doesn’t this religion* believe that the seas will rise? And, if so, don’t you think that coastal areas would be hardest hit? Which could likely mean that those of us in fly-over country won’t be in that bad of shape?

In other news, beach party at my house.

* note: by using the term religion, I’m referencing the rather hysterical brand of global warming alarmists and not the more sane folks. Yes, there is evidence indicating the Earth is warming. But not all of it says ZOMFG we’re all gonna die.

10 Responses to “Global Warming To Kill Off Red-Staters”

  1. Breda Says:

    I giggled when I read the part about how they weren’t going to give us (red staters, conservatives, etc) the keys to their perfect little liberal utopian cities, post-global warming apocalypse.

    Won’t we have all the firepower? How will they stop us?

  2. Dave thA Says:

    The idiot forgets that people will have more than enough time to move. Unlike in a tsunami, the displaced “red-staters” will just move to higher ground and take over previously blue states…

  3. Phil Says:

    It would be easy enough to build some dikes, too.

  4. # 9 Says:

    I thought about posting on this one. But the premise was too wacky. Too easy.

    Has anyone asked Dave Lindorff how much food in grown in Baltimore?

    This is a mind on liberalism. He actually wants “red staters” to die. Who grows the food? Would that be the aforementioned red staters? Yet this knucklehead thinks that those in the cities are on high ground. Sounds like the “Omega Man”. I would think those in cities would be the first to die.

    Lindorff’s parents must be very proud. His teachers too.

    How can people become this stupid? Aren’t many of the largest cities on the shoreline? High ground? Since when is high ground under water?

  5. Cactus Jack Says:

    How does this fool figure that red state Wyoming, no part of which is lower than 3,000 feet, is gonna get flooded when blue states of Kalifornia and Massachusetts, which are much lower are gonna stay high and dry? It’ll be the libfags who’ll be needing help from us “troglodytes”. I, for one, would’nt give them any.

  6. Rustmeister Says:

    The thing is, how can these experts predict all this stuff when they can’t tell me if it’s gonna rain next week?

  7. Alcibiades McZombie Says:

    I suppose the volcanoes of Hawaii will remain above water.

  8. # 9 Says:

    I expanded my thoughts on Mr. Lindorff at MCB.

    He’s a peach isn’t he?

  9. # 9 Says:

    Check out this part:

    “The important thing is that we, on the higher ground both actually and figuratively, need to remember that, when they begin their historic migration from their doomed regions, we not give them the keys to the city. They certainly should be offered assistance in their time of need, but we need to keep a firm grip on our political systems, making sure that these guilty throngs who allowed the world to go to hell are gerrymandered into political impotence in their new homes.”

    If a white guy in New Orleans said that about people returning from hurricane Katrina I would think it would cause quite a stir. Kind of like saying, “We got your trailer over hea, boy. Now don’t be congregating or assembling, or nothing like that.”

  10. JKB Says:

    Well, my first thought was ‘Cool, NASCAR in Central Park!’

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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