Archive for December, 2007

December 12, 2007


Via the doc, comes this quiz:
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Cook Co. Gun Ban

I guess Xrlq was incorrect. Registration does lead to prohibition.

Enemy of the state

Len Savage of Historic Arms is no stranger to really annoying the ATF and suffering for it. Via Ryan, comes a bit by Savage entitled Am I an enemy of the US Government? A must read for looking at ATF’s tactics. There’s also an interview with him.

Like you and me, only better

So? I can’t carry one into a .gov building either.

Church Shooting Update

Even more stuff:

Shooter killed himself. After he was already full of holes. Gunnies seem upset by that. Not sure why. So fucking what?

The press notes that Jeanne Assam was fired from her job. Gunnies seem upset by that. Not sure why. So fucking what? Reader Helvetix seems to think someone is lying as Jeanne seems to have been merely suspended.

The women say she’s a hero who also has nice hair.


And I want to be clear about something here: Gun rights advocates such as myself are not saying that the solution to public shootings is “more guns.” We are not saying that the solution is “let children bring guns to school.” We are not saying that the solution is “arm everyone.” Nobody is talking about adding guns to the population, or “putting more guns on the streets.”

Careful with those matches. They might hit that strawman you just built.

I’m sure that people are pondering this law is a sign things are in we gunnies’ favor:

If you create a gun-free zone, you’re liable for any harm it causes

10 years ago, you’d have never heard of it.

Robb concurs:

The big thing I see and hear is the concept that Gun Free Zones are useless. Anywhere. Everyone seems to be on the ball that an armed good guy is not the problem and is the only one who will obey the rules anyway.

I have a feeling we’re about to see a significant shift in gun rights. Just a hunch.

I hope. I doubt, now, you could even get traction on a federal gun law.

Sign of the times

How will this look on youtube:

When a robber started taking cash from his register over the weekend, Dunkin’ Donuts employee Dustin Hoffmann fought back by clobbering the man with a ceramic mug. But Hoffmann admits he was less worried about the stolen cash than how he might look on the video-sharing site YouTube.

“What was going through my mind at that point was that the security tape is either going to show me run away and hide in the office or whack this guy in the head, so I just grabbed the cup and clocked the guy pretty hard,” Hoffmann told The Record of Bergen County for Tuesday’s editions.

Via reader Paul.

Gun Fight

Guav emails: Tomorrow on, Larry Pratt of the GOA and Brian Siebel of the Brady Bunch will debate whether easier access of Americans to deadly weapons—or more limited access—makes us safer.

Quote of the day

Xrlq in comments:

Funny, I always thought registration was supposed to lead to prohibition, not the other way around.

National Review Online

Shills for Romney. Sorry, but NRO just lost any conservative street cred they had. And this:

Fred Thompson is as conservative as Romney

Err, no. Hillary Clinton is as conservative as Romney. Kucinich is slightly less conservative than Romney. As far as I’m concerned, if the nom is Romney or Giuliani, then the Republicans may as well run Hillary Clinton.

Hello Cause. I am effect

AC notes we’re winning the war on drugs:

• Use of any illicit drug dropped approximately 24%.
• Marijuana use decreased approximately 25%.
• Steroid use dropped by approximately one third.
• Ecstasy use dropped approximately 54%, cutting usage down to less than one half of what it was in 2001.
• Methamphetamine use decreased approximately 64%.

Good. Let’s release the POWs. Oh, wait. Nevermind:

teen painkiller abuse rising

Seems they’re just switching. I forget, it’s the war on some drugs.

Sullivan confirmation

Sorry, folks, but it’s a done deal. Mark it.

December 11, 2007




Mika Brzezinski on mass murderers and armed citizens when told that One person with a gun can make a big difference:

You know, that is the most inane statement I have ever heard.

Well, Jean Assam and at least eight other instances say you’re wrong.

More on the church shootings

Seems the same psychopath shot up both churches. Thanks to Jean Assam, there was not a third.

Journalists’ guide to guns – updated

In an update to this, a lot of good resources from comments:

A firearms glossary.


Volokh’s he Journalist’s Guide to Gun Policy Scholars and Second Amendment Scholars

And, of course, Wikipedia.

Update: How could I forget Gun Facts.

Update: Another one.

More on Joe Horn

At Glenn Beck’s.

The Brady Campaign To Prevent Toy Gun Ownership

The Brady Bunch opposes toys, just in time for Christmas.

Church Shooting Update

US Citizen has info on the lady, Jeanne Assam, who stopped the murderous psychopath.

Now, the press seems to be telling the story about her though before they were not. Turns out, she’s a former police officer and carry permit holder who volunteers to provide security at the church service.

Kevin notes:

If what I heard on the radio this afternoon is correct, there were three armed security people at the church in Arvada, Colorado. Only one willingly engaged the shooter, calmly walking towards him, firing the entire time. Jeanne Assam fired approximately twelve rounds, and took down someone armed with rifle, shotgun, and pistol and who was reportedly wearing body armor. He killed two and wounded two or three more, but he was stopped by someone with a gun.

(update: see Kevin’s correction in comments)

Bruce notes:

Near an entryway in the church, Bourbonnais came upon the gunman and an armed male church security guard who was there with his gun drawn but not firing, he said.

Bourbonnais said he pleaded with the armed guard to give him his weapon.

“Give me your handgun. I’ve been in combat, and I’m going to take this guy out,” Bourbonnais recalled telling the guard. “He kept yelling, ‘Get behind me! Get behind me!’ He wouldn’t hand me his weapon, but he wouldn’t do anything.”

Quote of the day:

“First, I called him ‘Coward’ then I called him ‘S—head’ ” Bourbonnais said. “I probably shouldn’t have been saying that in church.”

That gun show loophole

Oh, wait:

Police arrested a man wanted by the law at the Harrisburg gun show. He was trying to buy a firearm, but one dealer realized something was wrong. “He was wanted,” said show manager show manager Nick Jubinski. “State Police came over, picked him up and arrested him.”

A salesperson learned about the suspect’s wanted status on the phone through the Pennsylvania Insta-Check system.

Vendors like Jack Shuttleworth are required to dial before dealing. “We don’t dare sell any gun without doing a background check on it,” said Shuttleworth.

But The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership tells me that gun shows are where criminals go to get guns and that gun shows are supermarkets where terrorists get their 50 caliber sniper rifles to shoot down planes.

Former DC Chief Opposses Total Ban


Former D.C. Police Chief Charles Ramsey is shifting his position on Washington’s 31-year ban on handgun ownership as the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments on the issue.

Ramsey says there needs to be reasonable control over guns, but he says handgun registration can provide that control.

Registration, no thanks. But it is an improvement.

TN Gov Checking Blogs

The government is checking out blogs:

The second product is the New Media Hot Sheet which is distributed every Thursday afternoon. It is a weekly review of what is consuming time and space in the Tennessee focused blogshere (sic).

In that case, you guys should know your constituents don’t seem to like you very much.

Mayors Against Guns – Tennessee

So, we knew that Shelby County Mayor Wharton and Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam were members of the Joyce Foundation funded group Mayors Against Guns. But now, there’s a new edition. Via Rustmeister, seems Oak Ridge Mayor Tom Beehan is also a member of this sham group.

Other mayors have figured out the group is a sham and quit. These guys should follow suit. Past coverage of this group here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Gun Porn

1903 Colt.

Taurus 608.

December 10, 2007


Against movies?

To answer the age old question

It was, in fact, me who let the dogs out.

Woof, woof, woof, woof.

Journalists’ guide to guns

There’s the snarky gag version here and it pretty accurately reflects how the press deals with guns. I was asked by someone in the press who is familiar with guns if there was a journalists’ guide to firearms since. This person noted your average reporter likely didn’t have much knowledge of guns. Could be a good resource, if done right.

So, let’s create one. I’d say topics could include types of firearm actions, assault weapons, gun shows, etc. This really wouldn’t be difficult since we gunbloggers have already written this stuff and likely just need to compile it. For instance, here’s info on the assault weapons ban.

So, who’s in? Keep it factual, brief, and not particularly political.

Update: here’s a decent start.

Mass murderers v. armed citizens

Seems some whackjob decided to shoot up a church. However, an armed woman decided to end said whackjob’s plans. Ahab notes that:

Colorado state law requires that an armed security guard who is not a member of law enforcement must be in possession of a concealed carry permit. I am currently in the process of determining whether the guard at New Life was an off-duty cop, or a civilian volunteer with a carry permit. Because no media have referred to the guard as an off duty police officer, my hunch is that he (or she, I suppose) is just a regular concerned citizen like us.

As Glenn said: People don’t stop killers. People with guns do

Well, armed citizens have a reasonable record at stopping mass murderers:

1 Tyler, Texas: Shooter on the loose. Mark Wilson hears the noise and grabs a gun. He intervenes and saves the life of one man (who turns out to be the shooters’ son). He also drew fire from the murderer and likely saved more lives. Sadly, Mr. Wilson was murdered on the scene.

2 Tacoma, WA: Brendan “Dan” McKown was delivering a bank deposit for Excalibur Cutlery, a mall gift store, when gunshots scattered shoppers at noon in Tacoma. Dan McKown was an armed CCW holder. Witnesses state that McKown stood about 20 feet from the gunman when he faced him and drew his own pistol before being shot. Whether he spoke to the gunman is unknown. “Our understanding is that Dan drew his weapon and confronted the gunman,” his stepmother, Beverly McKown, said during a news conference Tuesday at Tacoma General Hospital. “Dan is always one who believed in protecting people and he put his life on the line for other people,” McKown’s father said. “His actions and the actions of others like him may have prevented additional casualties by confronting the aggression and possibly changing the gunman’s action early in the conflict.”

3 courtesy of Mr. Burnside Pete Odighizuwa. He’s the man who killed three innocent people at the Appalachian School of Law. But was likely stopped by two armed students who had to run to their cars to get their guns. There’s some dispute as to what caused Pete O. to surrender because he was also out of ammo.

4 Another, via comments, was the Utah mall shooting:

An off-duty police officer having an early Valentine’s Day dinner with his wife was credited Tuesday with helping stop a rampage in a crowded shopping mall by an 18-year-old gunman who killed five people before he was cut down.

He was off duty. Good thing he disregarded the mall’s no gun policy that day. And another one:

5 In Pearl, Mississippi:

Vice Principal Joel Myrick held his Colt .45 point blank to the high school boy’s head. Last week, he told me what it was like. “I said ‘why are you shooting my kids?’ He said it was because nobody liked him and everything seemed hopeless,” Myrick said. “Then I asked him his name. He said ‘you know me, Mr. Myrick. Remember? I gave you a discount on your pizza delivery last week.”

6 another: A knife-wielding grocery store employee attacked eight co-workers Friday, seriously injuring five before a witness pulled a gun and stopped him, police said.

7 Allen Crum, an armed citizen, was deputized when Charles Whitman climbed a tower and started shooting people. Read Mr. Crum’s account here. He used a borrowed rifle.

8 Kenneth Gage.

I like the odds more when good people are armed.

Add number 9 to the list.

Reasoned Discoursetm

This guy is a special kind of vile. He posts several whoppers about the ban on weapons that look like assault weapons, like:

Ban On AK-47 Assault Rifle Used In Omaha Mall Rampage Was Lifted By GOP Congress In 2004

Not so. AK-47s have been banned since 1986. And the WASR-10 was not covered by the ban.

And: For 10 years, the AK-47 semiautomatic assault weapon used in the deadly Omaha mall shootings was illegal in America

Again, nope.

The AK-47 is not used for hunting


Basically, everything the guy said was crap and easily refuted. Other folks pointed that out. Instead of doing the honorable thing and correcting the errors, Marc McDonald asked the pro-gun side to stop leaving comments. After all, we can’t have those pesky facts getting in the way of our opinion.

Cowardly liar, indeed.

Mall shooting

This weekend, while I was at my secure and undisclosed location, a lot of stuff about the Omaha shooting came my way. And I just now got to it.

Joe has a first hand account from a witness there:

Honestly, and as God as my witness, when I saw him shooting and as watched for a few seconds trying to figure out what he was going to do and what I should do, the thought that when through my mind was, “If I had a gun, I have a perfect shot.”

Yes, a perfect shot. I had a full side profile, I was close, and no one was visible behind him execept a wall. I had a clear shot during the second round of fire. I told this to every cop I came in contact with.

The next question everyone seemed to ponder is what type of gun is it? First, the press reported that the rifle was an AK-47, which is wrong. Next, it was reported that it was an SKS or an SKK. And, well, no one really knew what an SKK was. Now, AC has a pic.

Murdoc has a post discussing the weapon. Noting the press has a picture of an SKS. My opinion? Well, based on the pic at AC’s, I’m going with a WASR-10. It is a Kalashnikov variant that complied with the assault weapons ban. They look like this. The weapon was not banned by the assault weapons ban.

More from PGP.

Lastly, Indeed.

December 08, 2007

Second Amendment Carnival

Christmas edition.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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